DJ AM - né Adam Goldstein - was the Kevin Bacon of LA's music-celebrity scene, except he was connected to everyone by two degrees. His death gets more tragic as it unfolds. The outpouring for him out there's large.

AM and his girlfriend, Hayley Wood, broke up a little over a week ago, as it turned out. AM had still been experiencing PTSD from the plane crash he and Travis Barker survived a year ago.

Tributes from exes, his music-making partner Travis Barker, and celebrities of all stripes poured out for him over the last few days. And yeah, that's the Palms in Vegas, where he had a residency, dimming their lights for him.

AM had been working on a show for MTV about drug addiction, something he'd dealt with his entire life. He grew up with it—his father was a drug addict—had been to rehab for it, and finally, was thought to have escaped its grasp. Initial reports are noting that he was indeed found with drugs on him: crack, Xanax, Vicodin and oxycodone. AM had tried to commit suicide once in his life already.

The guy was mostly known for his collaboration with Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker—TRV$ AM—for which they put out mixtapes for free together and went on tour.

AM also made a name for himself mixing rock tracks, earning himself a bit of a cross-over from the pop scene. Here he is, mixing Oasis' "Wonderwall" with M.I.A.'s "Paper Planes."