In 2014, a year before Donald Trump was even a twinkle in Chris Christie’s eye, the Republican National Committee announced that its 2016 convention would be held in the fair city of Cleveland, OH. Last night, Donald Trump insisted it was his doing.

The impetus for this particular bizarre lie was apparently the fact that Ohio governor John Kasich declined to kiss the ring, opting instead to skip the convention entirely.

“If I were him and got beaten that badly, I probably wouldn’t show up either. He has a problem though, he signed a pledge,” Trump told Bill O’Reilly in a phone interview just a few hours before his wife delivered a clearly plagiarized speech. “I wanted it to be here. And we had lots of choices. I wanted it to be in Ohio. I recommended Ohio.”

In fact, there’s absolutely no way that could be true: The site was selected unanimously by the voting members of the Republican National Committee, a group which did not at any time include Donald Trump. It’s almost like he’ll say anything just to make himself look good?