
Jon Stewart Ridicules the Inaccuracy of Political Polls

Matt Cherette · 04/25/11 10:40PM

The Daily Show returned from hiatus tonight with a segment about the fact that Donald Trump is currently atop the polls ranking potential 2012 Republican presidential candidates. Using archived footage from previous electoral cycles, Jon Stewart quickly—and bitingly—dismissed any notion that pre-primary political polls mean jack shit.

Charles Krauthammer: Trump's 'Absolutely' Running

Jim Newell · 04/22/11 01:35PM

Famous conservative Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer, like many elite Republicans, has been dumping all over Donald Trump in the last few weeks. He's called him a "provocateur and clown" who's "unserious." It was a vicious low blow to whip out the bilious "p" word against America's most respected and moral businessman. So Krauthammer was understandably terrified yesterday when his secretary told him that Trump was on the line. As he recounted on Fox News last night:

Donald Trump Was Never Really Interested in Birtherism Anyway

Jim Newell · 04/21/11 11:26AM

What were we all thinking these past few completely hilarious weeks as we watched NBC television character Donald Trump become America's most prominent and vigorous birther? It seemed like he was driving the issue with maximum enthusiasm, as though it was the only issue that mattered to him and should matter to anyone, and that he wouldn't rest until the mystery of Obama's birth was settled. Yet it turns out that he never really wanted to talk about this stuff — it was the idiots in the media who kept asking him about it. He wants to talk about China!

Lady Gaga Regrets 'Retarded' Remark

Maureen O'Connor · 04/21/11 10:45AM

Lady Gaga's "retarded" gaffe was "furiously unintentional." Jerry Seinfeld gets in a pissing match with Donald Trump. Lauren Bush wants to take fiance David Lauren's last name. Thursday gossip has regrets.

Meet the Donald Trump Tea Party Army

Jim Newell · 04/20/11 12:39PM

Here we have another video of a Democratic operative at a Tea Party rally — this time in South Carolina, where Gov. Nikki Haley and Rep. Michele Bachmann were speaking — trying to get people to say funny and/or racist stuff. But this is one of the first where we're seeing actual Donald Trump for President supporters, as prophesied by recent polling! The cameraman, South Carolina Democratic consultant Tyler Jones, says that he "interviewed around 25 people total and probably 75 percent of them said they were supporting Donald Trump." [via Dave Weigel]

Gary Busey Endorses Donald Trump

Max Read · 04/19/11 08:11PM

Squinty boor Donald Trump has secured a crucial endorsement! Gary Busey, the wild-eyed actor and celebrity apprentice, is not only campaigning for Trump, but has created an acronymic "Busey-ism" in support of the candidate: "Taking Redirection, Understanding Massive Power." Poetic and political!

Donald Trump's Whiny Liberal History Under Scrutiny

Jim Newell · 04/18/11 01:44PM

Gelatinous cartoon slumlord Donald Trump is facing some tough questions about his previous political positions in his pretend campaign for president. He's already won, really, if this promotional stunt to increase the ratings of Celebrity Apprentice is getting reporters to read whatever dumb book he wrote in 2000 to dig up his arbitrary political stances of the time.

Donald Trump Pimps New Obama Conspiracy

Max Read · 04/16/11 02:56PM

Ocherous churl Donald Trump slouched beast-like to Fox News on Friday night, where he engaged in something called "The Trump Interview" with right-wing backboard Sean Hannity. It was, yes, essentially unwatchable, but Trump revealed, in the course of the evening, that he has become a subscriber to the third most prevalent anti-Obama conspiracy, namely, that Obama's book Dreams From My Father was written by former Weatherman and current "super-genius" Bill Ayers. Ernest Hemingway was brought up, as was Trump's own opus, The Art of the Deal:

Trump Officially Crushing Republican Presidential Field

Jim Newell · 04/15/11 11:35AM

Our old pal Donald Trump is back in the news. His presidential publicity stunt to win ratings for the Celebrity Apprentice is moving along quite nicely, according to the hot new poll. Trump leads runner-up Mike Huckabee in GOP presidential pack by... let's see here... nine points. What the hell?

Arizona Legislature Passes 'Birther Bill'

Jeff Neumann · 04/15/11 12:44AM

In rather unsurprising news from America's dry, crackly grundle, lawmakers in Arizona last night passed the Trump-approved House Bill 2177, which requires any presidential candidate to show proof of his or her U.S. citizenship before being added to the state's ballot. Governor Jan Brewer will have five days to sign the bill into law.