
When Sarah Palin Snuck Out to See Ivana Trump

Jim Newell · 04/14/11 04:53PM

This delightful nugget about an early Sarah Palin encounter with her possible presidential rival's ex-wife comes from the April 3, 1993 edition of the Anchorage Daily News:

Can Donald Trump Win Support from 'The Blacks'?

Jim Newell · 04/14/11 03:39PM

Shrieking low-brow parody of capitalism Donald Trump has weighed in on his chances of siphoning African-American voters from President Obama in their pretend presidential race: "I have a great relationship with the blacks." Care to respond, The Blacks?

Jon Stewart Challenges Donald Trump on Birther Claims

Matt Cherette · 04/13/11 11:17PM

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've undoubtedly seen Donald Trump spouting his "Obama wasn't born in this country" nonsense all over the place in recent weeks. Tonight, using the unlikeliest of allies—Michele Bachmann! Bill O'Reilly!—Jon Stewart put Trump's ridiculousness into perspective.

The New York Observer's Trump Problem

John Cook · 04/13/11 04:00PM

Pouty fathead Donald Trump is a tailor-made character for the New York Observer, which purports to monitor Manhattan's smug oligarchy with a gimlet-eyed detachment. And his semi-coherent presidential grumblings, which count as news just about everywhere else, make ideal grist for the Observer's mill. Too bad he's the owner's father-in-law.

Mitt Romney, Anti-Birther

Jim Newell · 04/13/11 11:23AM

Presidential candidate Mitt "Willard" Romney ceded tremendous ground to his main rival, pretend candidate and bloated carnival act Donald Trump, on CNBC yesterday, telling Larry Kudlow that he is not a Birther.

Donald Trump: Bad Christian, Worse Philanthropist

Max Read · 04/12/11 06:50PM

Donald Trump is not nearly as generous with money as he is with opinions: Between 1990 and 2009 the aspiring presidential candidate gave only $3.7 million of his (purported) billions to his own charity.

Sarah Palin Supports Donald Trump's Birther Quest

Max Read · 04/10/11 11:19AM

Former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin believes President Obama was born in Hawaii. She said so just yesterday! But even so, she "appreciates" failed businessman Donald Trump's (very public) quest to discover the president's true origins.

Donald Trump Picks a Fight With The New York Times

Max Read · 04/09/11 11:14AM

Loud person Donald Trump, who is running for president from the Insane Internet Commenter wing of the Republican Party, has decided that not enough people are paying attention to him. So he wrote a letter to The New York Times!

Donald Trump's Pretend Presidential Campaign Enrages Bill Cosby

Jim Newell · 04/07/11 11:15AM

Donald Trump's latest stop on his pretend presidential campaign that's solely designed to boost ratings for The Celebrity Apprentice was an interview with Meredith Vieira on this morning's Today show, where he discussed Barack Obama's birth certificate. He now has his own "investigators" in Hawaii digging around for it, and they "cannot believe what they're finding." That's hilarious. How is that not hilarious? Mitt Romney only wishes he'd thought of this first.

Donald Trump Is Making Glenn Beck 'a Little Uncomfortable'

Jeff Neumann · 04/02/11 12:24PM

You're treading on some bizarre, uncharted territory if Glenn Beck says you're making him "a little uncomfortable" with rants about bombing China and questioning whether or not Barack Obama is a secret Muslim without a birth certificate. But that's what Donald Trump has done, after his lengthy interview with Bill O'Reilly earlier in the week. Watch for yourself courtesy of "Birther Report," ha.

Donald Trump Lands a Fox News Gig

Jim Newell · 04/01/11 01:22PM

Sublime television clown Donald Trump's pretend presidential candidacy is chugging along splendidly as it rains gold, laughs, and a deeper appreciation for the surreal across this great nation. It's fun to write about, it's chilling to read about, and it's lucrative for Donald Trump. His Celebrity Apprentice ratings are up, he's getting more headlines than any other "real" GOP presidential contenders, and now he's landed another television gig. This why he's running a pretend presidential campaign, of course, and the con should keep bearing fruit until he suddenly "drops out" of the race to spend more time with his latest family, during sweeps week.

How on Earth Are We Going to Fix Donald Trump's Hair?

Brian Moylan · 03/30/11 02:18PM

Reality TV blowhard, presumptive presidential candidate, and personal brand run rampant Donald Trump has been offered a makeover for his infamously surreal hairstyle. We're sure he gets these offers all the time, but this one was made by Oprah Winfrey. It's good as done.