Photo: AP

In a new interview with former Obama advisor David Axelrod, Jon Stewart offered a grim assessment of America’s political landscape, with harsh words for Democrats, Republicans, Hillary Clinton, the media and most of all Donald Trump, who he ridiculed as an “unrepentant, narcissistic asshole.”

“I’m not a constitutional scholar, so I can’t necessarily say, but are you eligible to run if you are a man-baby, or a baby-man?” Stewart told Axelrod during a live-taping of his Axe Files podcast on Monday. “He has the physical countenance of a man and a baby’s temperament and hands.”

During the hourlong interview, Stewart also criticized Hillary Clinton as a “a very bright woman without the courage of her convictions, because I’m not even sure what they are,” but was quick to clarify that her flaws were not on the same magnitude as Trump’s. From Politico:

“That is not to say that she is not preferable to Donald Trump because, at this point, I would vote for Mr. T over Donald Trump,” he said.

Stewart had some harsh words for the candidates’ political parties as well. While the Republican Party’s “sole purpose is to freeze the government and to not fix any of the problems that are associated with it,” the Democratic Party has failed to make government more efficient and opened the door to a Trump candidacy, he said.

On the other hand, Stewart praised the work of satirists like John Oliver and Samantha Bee during the election, suggesting their success made his commentary unnecessary.

“I am so impressed and amazed at the level of insight and wit that is displayed on television every day,” said Stewart. “There is no dearth.”

Watch Stewart’s full interview below: