
Gossip roundup

Gawker · 06/02/03 08:50AM

· Vincent Gallo says he never apologized for making Brown Bunny and that Roger Ebert, who he refers to as a "fat pig" made up the quotes. Says the still quotable Gallo, "I'm sorry I'm not gay or Jewish, so I don't have a special interest group of journalists that support me...I'm sorry for a lot of things, but I'm not sorry for making this movie." [Page Six]
· 60 Minutes' Mike Wallace missed a fly ball hit into the stands at last Monday's Yankees game. A drunk fan a few rows back yelled, "C'mon, Wallace! Morley Safer makes that catch!" [NY Daily News]
· Chic Happens reports that "New York media types are fuming after being duped by a postmodern prankster who claims to represent "three top professional female fashion models who are also a top-secret Conceptual Art group." The group, called "The Three" is the work of Adrian Dannatt, who says he's famous for holding "the world's smallest art biennial" in his Manhattan apartment and can be viewed at Deitch Projects. [Chic Happens]

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 05/30/03 12:06PM

· A witness, on Jayson Blair's rehab experience: "He talked in the past tense about his addictions. Everyone else was miserable and desperate. He was very happy, had a great sense of humor. He didn't seem to belong there. He was on the pay phone all the time talking business...He told me he had committed professional suicide, but he planned on getting a great book deal out of it. He said he was going to write about the hospital and the patients and all of that. He was constantly taking notes. I must have seen him go through three or four notebooks." [Page Six]
· Norman Mailer on Tom Wolfe: "Tom Wolfe pouts whenever he feels he is not being sufficiently honored by his literary brothers. So I say, yes, by all means, let's honor him. He may be the best boy-novelist we have ever had." Tom Wolfe on Norman Mailer: "They felt threatened by my idea of a big return to the naturalistic novel [with "A Man in Full"]. And I really do think it shook them up." Tina Brown on Michael Wolff: "Michael who?" [Page Six]
· NY Post columnist Steve Dunleavy was mugged at 3:15 AM yesterday "while he was passed out on a bench on the corner of W. 47th St. and Sixth Ave. near his favorite bar, Langan's. Why was he sleeping there? 'First of all, I was drunk...Second paragraph, I was comatose.' According to a newsroom spy, after returning to the Post, Dunleavy vomited near the metropolitan editor's desk." [NY Daily News]

When book clubs go bad

Gawker · 05/30/03 11:33AM

A 26-year-old on her regrettable decision to join a Manhattan book club: "We each had to bring in two short stories for the group to read. Everyone brought something from the New Yorker, except me. Someone said, 'Why would you do that? The only great short stories are in the New Yorker.' I don't know why I keep going." I don't know why she keeps going either. The only great stories are in the New Yorker? Every last one of those people deserves to get stuck on a city bus with Adam Gopnik. A speeding bus, with Gopnik threatening to read the turkey delivery episode from Paris to the Moon if it slows down, and people screaming.
The book clubs that ate Manhattan! [NY Post]

Posh 'n' Becks in NYC

Gawker · 05/30/03 10:08AM

A Gawker stalker reports last night's events at Soho House: "A teeny David Bowie and his wife Iman. Posh and David Beckham - she was wearing a horrid frock but looked very lovely. He looked like a skanky gypsy, of the kind that spins the waltzers faster when you scream. He was without the corn rows but wearing a ponytail on his head and he had a broken right arm. Really ridiculous. Sort him out, Sugar. Anna Wintour - nondescript really. Sure there were loads of others but I was drinking wine and lost both vision and memory.'"

Gawker friendster

Gawker · 05/30/03 09:21AM

An anonymous Gawker reader endeavors to get the single portion of the Gawker readership laid via Friendster the online-dating-with-plausible-denial service that's gotten very popular as of late: "At the behest of my parole counselor and having been turned down at soup kitchens, abuse shelters, the school for the blind, and as Jayson Blair's conscience, I have decided to complete my court-mandated commnity service by helping out my fellow Gawker readers. Now, dear reader, you can meet like-minded gossipbloggering, media-obsessed, quasi-intellectual, snarky, elitist, pseudo-hipsters with obsessive-compulsive fixations on third-tier celebrities. (Trucker hats optional.) Simply send an email to gawker_friendster@yahoo.com to receive an invite.

H train idea-man responds

Gawker · 05/30/03 08:59AM

Brian Diedrick, the L contributor who proposed the idea of the H(ipster) train responds to his detractors: "Before you try to Gopnick me, friend, take a hard look at yourself. Have you ever actually ridden the B61 any great distance? Well I certainly have. And if you have as well, then you can't deny that more than 15 minutes on the thing makes you start clicking your heels 3 times over and over again and wishing for that bus to turn back into the trolley it started out as.

Re: the H line

Gawker · 05/29/03 03:13PM

A reader correction, regarding the proposed "H" line: "It is blatantly obvious that Brian Diedrick, the idiot who proposed the "H" line, is not a New Yorker. The B61 bus (one of those "buses" you may have heard about in the New Yorker) already goes from Red Hook to Long Island City, via the Columbia Street waterfront, Cobble Hill, Downtown Brooklyn, DUMBO, Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Williamsburg, and Greenpoint. Formerly a trolley line (Brooklyn switched from trolleys to busses in the mid-fifties as a result of maneuverings by organized crime bosses and borough government), the B61 starts at the piers and even goes along Bedford Avenue in the 'Burg (yes, it connects to the L), in case you ever wanted to go there.
I mean, come on."

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 05/29/03 01:30PM

· Ken Starr says he wants to kiss and make up with Bill Clinton. A mutual friend offers to throw a dinner party. [Page Six]
· OK! magazine is currently bidding on the wedding pictures for J-Lo and B-fleck. They say they're not selling. Bidding could go as high as $1.5 million. [NY Daily News]

The H(ipster) line

Gawker · 05/29/03 11:01AM

Per yesterday's subway snobbery discussion, 601am's Aaron Bailey points out a recent proposal in L magazine: the creation of the H(ipster) line. "A brand new subway line running from Red Hook to Astoria. A bold vertical stroke soaring up the map of west Brooklyn, filing a gaping void along the banks of the East River... It's time to build the 'Great Hipster Highway.' As any Brooklynite worth his copy of The Corrections can complain to you, there simply is no decent subway connection from DUMBO to Williamsburg and Greenpoint, and on up to Astoria."
The H train? [601am]

"The Matrix Reloaded" and gravitas

Gawker · 05/29/03 09:06AM

Tina Brown, in an extended discussion about "gravitas" wonders if the directors of The Matrix Reloaded have it: "The defining characteristics of gravitas seem to be the ability to keep your mouth shut and the willingness to jeopardize ambition for an idea. The cunning creators of "The Matrix"the Wachowski brothers, who send Keanu & Co. out to promote the product but never appear themselves — understand the silence part. The fact that Larry Wachowski has left his wife of nine years to pursue a sadomasochistic relationship with a dominatrix who calls him Lana might also be a factor."
Keanu, meet Mr. Kissinger [Salon]


Gawker · 05/28/03 05:26PM

Okay. I suppose we can be friends. If you bring me back a mini-hamburger. And while you're out, I could use another martini.

An observation

Gawker · 05/28/03 05:23PM

If responses to the post below are any indication, the knowledge base of the Gawker readership consists entirely of "where to find mini-hamburgers in Manhattan." I'm not sure what this says about all of you. And I'm not sure we can be friends anymore.

Gawker stalker

Gawker · 05/28/03 04:31PM

· The rare Conde Nast executive spotted taking public transportation: "Wednesday morning (5/28) James Truman, CN editorial director, taking the 9 subway (the subway!) uptown to Times Square. He was glumly staring off into space with the ubiquitous ipod in hand."
· "Richard Johnson, 9:30ish last night, Key Food on Avenue A. Didn't see what he bought, but he went through the quickie line. Wouldn't peg him as an East Villager...perhaps his girlfriend lives nearby?"

Subway line snobbery

Gawker · 05/28/03 02:26PM

Gary Younge tries to explain New York subway lines to Guardian readers: "...the F-train, which has a passive-agressive quality, is the one people love to hate; the N and the R, local trains which go through SoHo, are more quaint; and the L, where every carriage seems to have at least one person holding a guitar, should be renamed the S-express, it is so groovy. As the only line that does not go through Manhattan, most New Yorkers don't even know the G-line exists. We like to think of ourselves as a mixture of bohemian, black, Polish and poor (although not necessarily all at the same time). But recently there has been something else to bind us together - our hatred of the V-line."
Gary Younge in New York [Guardian]
Related: Blogs by subway line

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 05/28/03 02:21PM

· Someone's a sore loser: Dogville director Lars van Trier says he lost out at Cannes because his film was "too provocative" for Cannes audiences. [Page Six]
· Chris Noth put his cell phone in the oven to dry after it got wet. It melted, because apparently that's what things do when you cook them. No one but Chris is surprised. (See Post photo, here: "Dude! Like, when you put shit in the oven? It, like, melts! Ohmygod, speaking of baked...") [Page Six]
· "On June 2, The Plaza, National Foundation for Jewish Culture awards Leonard Nimoy an achievement thing...For his 'Jewish-themed erotic photography.'" [Cindy Adams]
· Scene from the Giuliani wedding: "Giuliani's former deputy mayor Joe Lhota suggested that the nuptials needed a dash of ethnic flavor. So, even though neither of the them is Jewish, the bride and groom found themselves hoisted up on chairs. Holding onto a handkerchief, they bounced around the shoulders of well-wishers while the band played the hora. The klezmer music soon yielded to an Italian tarantella, which was followed by the theme from the former mayor's favorite movie, 'The Godfather.'" [NY Daily News]

Winona: the musical!

Gawker · 05/28/03 09:15AM

Students at Point Loma High School are producing a musical based on Winona Ryder's shoplifting trial called "Sticky Fingers: A Tale of Saks, Lies and Videotape." Saks donated shopping bags for the set. No word on who donated the Valium.
Teens base musical on Winona Ryder trial [AP/Salon]

Gawker stalker

Gawker · 05/27/03 03:33PM

Gawker stalker for todayapologies to Jason Kottke:
· "saturday 5/24 the bar at leshko's, avenue a, 11pm: Colin Farrell and Robin Wright Penn. colin looked super cute: no facial hair, leather cuff, short sleeve t over long sleeve t, a few silver rings full of charm and the glow of a star on the rise. he seemed to be having fun, chatting with other patrons and hes rag taggle looking posse. i have no idea who robin wright penn is or what she looked like, so i can't confirm she was there, but the bartender told me she was."
· "Calvin Klein at crunch gym on lafayette st. thursday 5/22, ca. 8pm. man this guy is pickled. he looked haggard and unhappy, in black long sleeve shirt and nylon track pants (adidas?) despite the fact that he was working out with a very hunky 20-something guy who used the payphone before he left. doesnt calvin give these dudes a cell phone? ck was not, as far as i could tell, stumbling down drunk at the gym."
· Danny Glover - Monday 5/26 afternoon walking out of Trump Tower, pause on steps as he seemed to ponder the drizzle/rain or? He's tall.