· The rare Conde Nast executive spotted taking public transportation: "Wednesday morning (5/28) James Truman, CN editorial director, taking the 9 subway (the subway!) uptown to Times Square. He was glumly staring off into space with the ubiquitous ipod in hand."
· "Richard Johnson, 9:30ish last night, Key Food on Avenue A. Didn't see what he bought, but he went through the quickie line. Wouldn't peg him as an East Villager...perhaps his girlfriend lives nearby?"

· "Tuesday, 10 PM: Motherfuckin' KOOL HERC checking out some young breakers after the James Brown show in Battery Park."
· "Saw Lauren Hutton at Pianos last Friday, 5/23. She was in the downstairs main bar area, chatting with a younger female friend. She's shorter than I would have imagined, but definitely has the petite build of a model. Also saw Arto Lindsay there that night, but don't know if he qualifies as a celebrity sighting. He is one to me, though, as a fan of his music..."
· "About 2 am Sunday morning, Caroline Rae, swathed in a swishy pink dress, strolls into Chelsea gay bar Barracuda. Amidst handing out flyers for her new show Mondo Drama, dumbstruck queens try to navigate themselves around the beauty as they try in vain to take their tricks home. No word yet if anyone mistook Caroline for that night's drag queen performer."