
College Professors Are Not in Shape!

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/11 10:49AM

Is teach pale, a beached whale? A new study out of the normally conscientious nation of Canada indicates that assistant professors in that peaceful nation's institutes of higher learning are woefully deficient in the "Fourth R": exercise.

Pa. Governor Urges Cash Strapped Colleges to Drill for Natural Gas

Jim Newell · 04/28/11 04:05PM

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett is proposing massive cuts to the state's higher education system in his budget proposal, including reducing aid to colleges and universities by 50 percent. But! And this is important! Six lucky colleges and universities in the Pennsylvania higher education system, Corbett says, have an easy way of making up that difference: Open the campuses to natural gas drilling, because there's a fucking goldmine under College Green.

'Harvardian's Guide to the Real World' Is Exactly What You Think It Will Be

Maureen O'Connor · 04/27/11 04:21PM

Ah, springtime in Cambridge! The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the Harvard seniors are wetting their beds on a nightly basis at the prospect of entering "the real world." (As opposed to the elaborate hologram that is life on campus. You thought you lost your virginity in college? Guess again! That wasn't reality, it was a lucid dream.)

Penn Frat Cleared of Camel Molestation

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/11 08:37AM

We hasten this morning to bring you the very latest on the Penn Frat Party Camel Abuse Controversy. What's that? You haven't been following the uproar at the Ivy League that erupted after the Zeta Psi fraternity went to a petting zoo and rented a camel for its "Spring Fling" party? And how some people objected to the way that the camel was surrounded by drunken Greeks and petted to within an inch of its life?

Lady Graduating After 19 Straight Years in College

Hamilton Nolan · 04/26/11 09:10AM

Kathy Vitzthum took her first class at Iowa State University in 1992. Just one class. She continued taking one class per semester, every semester, for the next 19 years, while working and raising a family. Next week—at the age of 48—she will finally graduate with a degree in accounting, fulfilling a promise that she made to her dying father more than a decade ago.

Princeton's Mysterious Suicide Scandal: Why Was Antonio Calvo Fired?

Maureen O'Connor · 04/23/11 12:15PM

On Thursday we reported the death of Princeton lecturer Antonio Calvo, who committed suicide in the midst of a complicated game of academic politics. In the last 48 hours, articles in the New York Times and international media outlets have pushed campus conspiracy theories to a fever pitch. But we still have no real answer as to why the popular Spanish teacher lost his job—and why he chose to take his life.

America's Most Expensive College: The Unconvincing Explanation

Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/11 11:45AM

Sarah Lawrence is America's most expensive college. It'll cost you a cool $59,000 to send your whelp there to sit shoeless on a grass lawn, becoming a lesbian. Why so pricey? The school's president has all sorts of dubious explanations.

How to Catch an iPad Thief: College Edition

Jeff Neumann · 04/14/11 03:52AM

Hugo Scheckter is a sophomore at George Washington University. He's also the Managing Editor of the school newspaper, The GW Patriot, and President of Club Sports. In other words, he's a good kid and a go-getter. So when someone lifted his iPad on Saturday night from his dorm — along with some cash and his laptop — Hugo took matters into his own hands.

Harvard Waitlister Records Desperate Pee-Related Song Begging to Be Let In

Richard Lawson · 04/13/11 11:14AM

Meet Grace Oberhofer, a Washington State teen who has been, gasp, waitlisted at the Stansbury of the east, Harvard University. Waitlisted? Noooo. So what is a disappointed and desperate Harvard wannabe to do? Well, if you're this girl you record a jokey yet still plainly earnest song pleading with the admissions office to let you onto the Yard.

New Rules For Student Debt

Hamilton Nolan · 04/12/11 11:48AM

Hey, underemployed recent college graduates struggling in the worst job market in a generation: do you have a trillion dollars? I really hope you have a trillion dollars. Because you owe a trillion dollars, in student loans.

Professor Wins Fame with Innovative 'Strippers in Class' Method

Hamilton Nolan · 04/12/11 09:01AM

We must beg your apologies for a brief delay in bringing you the very latest news in College Professor In-Class Sex Demonstration Scandals, but we think you'll be pleased with the most recent developments in the field. Jack Rappaport, an assistant professor of management at La Salle University in Philly, has been suspended while the school investigates allegations that he hired strippers to give lap dances at a $150 extra-credit symposium on "the application of Platonic and Hegelian ethics to business." What?