After 18 years of toiling under the Kumon-math-driving whip of Tiger Mother Amy Chua, Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld has launched a blog. Noooo! Don't waste your perfect brain on blogging! Don't you know bloggers are LOSERS, Sophia?!

Under the name Tiger Sophia, the high school senior explains, "When the whole world's calling you a mindless robot, you kind of get the urge to start talking." Sophia's first post clears up the myth that she is going to Harvard. Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld is going to Harvard or Yale:

To set the record straight, I applied to three schools last fall: Yale, Harvard, and University of Virginia. I was accepted to Yale under Early Action in December. I withdrew my application from UVA, and I was accepted to Harvard this Wednesday. I was shocked and thrilled to receive both acceptances, and I'm seriously considering both Yale and Harvard.

Several posts are devoted to answering questions from Sophia's fans. Like this one:

Q: What is your expectation of college life?
A: Sleep all day, rave all night. Learn by osmosis.

Somewhere in the Chinese wilderness, a female tiger stops short in its tracks, nostrils flared. The corruption of Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld had begun. [Tiger Sophia via Daily Caller, image via]


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