
A Sane Moment in Texas Politics?

Jeff Neumann · 04/12/11 05:35AM

You know what's a really bad idea? Allowing college kids to carry concealed handguns on public university campuses. For the second time, a Texas Republican state senator, Jeff Wentworth is trying to get a bill passed that would allow this to happen. But as of last night, according to The Austin American-Statesman, the bill appeared to be almost dead. Wentworth told the paper, "I didn't have the votes" to get the bill on trigger happy Governor Rick Perry's desk. Good.

Snooki Is Influencing New Jersey's Legislative Agenda

Brian Moylan · 04/08/11 02:09PM

What factors does New Jersey consider before proposing legislation? Is it the economy, the health and wellness of their citizens, or the desire for law and order? No, it's how much Snooki gets paid.

Thing You Knew Already: Drinking Affects Your GPA

Seth Abramovitch · 04/01/11 12:43AM

College grade point averages are inversely affected by the amount of alcohol a student drinks. That much you suspected. But your hunch has now been confirmed by the American College Personnel Association, who interviewed 14,000 frosh at 167 schools on their partying and homework habits.

Man Who Captured USC Students Having Rooftop Sex Tells All

Seth Abramovitch · 03/30/11 09:34PM

Ah, spring in Los Angeles. The temperatures are climbing, the breasts are augmenting, and frat boys are copulating on rooftops. Yesterday, we shared photos of a Kappa Sigma fraternity member and female companion engaged in a variety of illicit yoga poses on the roof of USC's Waite Phillips Hall. Today we meet the man who took them.

Turns Out Not All College Girls Are Lesbians

Max Read · 03/18/11 01:16AM

A shocking—and sexxy—new study reveals: The vast majority of college-educated women didn't have lesbian sex in college, and same-sex experiences were most common among women without a high school diploma. Yes: Porn is lying to you.

The Reality TV SAT Question That Stumped Well-Read Nerds

Adrian Chen · 03/16/11 10:29PM

Time was, high school students had to study vocab lists and brush up on their algebra to prepare for the SATs. Now they just have to watch a lot of trashy reality television. The essay question in this year's SATs has caused a stir because it's not about all of the 19th century books and stuff kids have worked their butts off to learn about.

A UCLA Student's Racist Rant

Max Read · 03/13/11 10:56PM

We are shocked, shocked to discover that a self-identified UCLA student recorded a goofy racist video in which she expounds the pressing issue of UCLA students of Asian descent using the college library. Shocked! But not, obviously, offended, since she takes great pains to let us know that she's "not the most politically-correct person" and we therefore shouldn't "take this offensively." (It was good to know that, because otherwise we may have been offended by her charming rendition of an unspecified Asian language: "Ching chong ling long ting tong.") The original video has been taken down but is already all over YouTube; we've reached out to the woman identified to us as the narrator and will update if we hear back.

Next Republican Target: Annoying Liberal College Kids Who Vote

Jim Newell · 03/07/11 06:04PM

The ambitious agenda state Republican parties are pursuing to dismantle the infrastructure of the Democratic party isn't just focusing on crushing unions under the guise of "budget balancing." There's a far more dangerous and seditious form of Democrat out there that needs its lollipop stolen, too: The college kids who think they're mature enough to vote responsibly, but clearly don't, since they vote Democratic.