
Yale Accidentally Made 43,000 Social Security Numbers Public

Maureen O'Connor · 08/24/11 02:17PM

Oops. Yale University recently announced that the names and Social Security numbers of 43,000 people affiliated with the school were publicly available online for about 10 months. Ivy League institutions, they're just like us: completely and utterly exposed.

Study: Integrated Cafeterias Solve Racism

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/11 04:40PM

You probably remember being in school and looking across the cafeteria at all the mysterious, differently-hued people huddled at their own table on the other side of the room and asking yourself, "Why are all those weird [black/ white/ Asian/ Latino/ Unidentifiable] kids sitting together? No wonder we are so racist." Then you continued telling racist jokes to your own racially homogenous table.

Good Riddance to 'For Profit Colleges'

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/11 10:52AM

Americans are smartening up and staying the hell away from school. We recently came to our senses and started avoiding law school. And now, we're avoiding fake colleges, as well. We'll make something of ourselves yet, fellow Americans!

Cornell Nerd: Internet Bandwidth Limit Ruins My Social Life

Maureen O'Connor · 08/17/11 03:11PM

Rising Cornell sophomore Cristina Lara wants her school to abolish its 50GB/month student bandwidth limit. (To use more, students have to pay.) "Internet usage is free in virtually every college and university in the country," Cristina writes in a petition, "and it's also free among all 7 other institutions in the Ivy League." Sounds reasonable.

College Points Out to Freshmen: You Are Fat

Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/11 12:06PM

Most college freshmen only find it necessary to be mortified by their roommate, their room decorations, their dorm mates, the difficulty of the classes, their struggles with newfound freedom, their all-too-frequent intoxication, and the overwhelming sense of being a lost and anonymous soul in a brand new environment in which nobody loves them. Now, at least one school is working to ensure that they're also mortified by their own lack of physical fitness. Progress!

Rick Perry Was a Horrible College Student

Jim Newell · 08/05/11 11:59AM

Now we know why Gov. Rick Perry is aggressively trying to change Texas' state university system to one where teachers are paid by how much money they bring in, and students are treated like "customers": It's to take on revenge on the professors who gave him horrible, no-good, very bad grades during his college days.

Gunman Reported at Virginia Tech Again

Adrian Chen · 08/04/11 09:29AM

CNN is reporting a possible armed man on Virginia Tech's campus, the site of the 2007 massacre that left 32 dead. The campus is on lockdown as police search for a man possibly carrying a handgun. The good news: Class isn't in session.

Yes, There Is a Student Loan Bubble

Hamilton Nolan · 08/02/11 11:04AM

Perhaps you've been congratulating yourself on having less than $200,000 in student loan debt, telling yourself your own student loans aren't so bad. Well, stop that! The 2010s are the decade of "Feeling Bad About Your Student Loans."

Here Are America's Top Party Schools

Brian Moylan · 08/01/11 03:33PM

When looking at the Princeton Review's annual college rankings, no one (cool) cares about academic ratings or student to faculty ratios, or any of those silly stats. No, all those people care about is which schools have the most kicking ragers in the whole country. Here they are.

Meet the College Chancellor with a Suburban Sex Dungeon

Maureen O'Connor · 08/01/11 12:48PM

Last week, immigration officials raided the University of Northern Virginia, a for-profit college that was recently the subject of a report on student visa scams. Is there anything that could possibly make this boring story about immigration loopholes and higher education interesting?