
Everybody in College Gets Good Grades Now

Hamilton Nolan · 07/14/11 03:59PM

In my day, college grades were evenly distributed on a "curve," which was determined by...well who knows, we were all so blunted back then. The point is, you can now safely accuse kids these days of getting everything for free.

Desperate Pee Song Fails to Get Girl Into Harvard

Maureen O'Connor · 07/14/11 02:39PM

The hard-hearted dream-destroyers of Harvard's admissions office have spoken: Grace Oberhofer, the Washington teen who became a viral star begging to get off Harvard's waitlist, did not get into Harvard. Instead she will go to Tufts, where she will spend the next four years deflecting "safety school" jokes. [FlyByBlog, IvyGate]

Two More Cornell Gorge Deaths

Maureen O'Connor · 07/05/11 02:35PM

Within hours of each other, two students died in Ithaca's infamous gorges on Saturday. One student was visiting; the other was a Cornell junior. Both deaths are thought to be accidental.

White-Man Scholarship Group Seems Biased

Lauri Apple · 07/02/11 11:49AM

Remember reading about the Former Majority Association for Equality, the nonprofit that bequeaths $500 scholarships to white male American scholars whose academic goals are possibly being thwarted by oppressive browns and womyns? Well, they began dishing out the dough this week—and one state's white males seem to be getting special treatment.

Cornell Frat Sued for $25 Million Over Hazing Death

Max Read · 06/28/11 06:47PM

College fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon—"Same Assholes Everywhere," if we remember correctly—was just hit with a $25 million lawsuit over the death of a Cornell first-year, allegedly thanks to a hazing ritual gone wrong.

Brooks Brothers Inadvertently Reveals America's Whitest Colleges

Hamilton Nolan · 06/27/11 02:21PM

Brooks Brothers does not make the type of "College apparel" worn by Southeastern Conference country animals on "game day" that serves as little more than a bib for copious amounts of spilled beer and barbecue sauce. That is not what Brooks Brothers does. Brooks Brothers makes dignified casual apparel for American winners.

Watch Stephen Colbert's Hilarious Northwestern Commencement Speech

Matt Cherette · 06/17/11 05:56PM

This morning in Evanston, Illinois, Northwestern University's 2,800 graduating students gathered for commencement. On hand to give the commencement address? None other than alum Stephen Colbert of the class of '86, who delivered an uproarious 20-minute speech which squeezed in references to campus controversies like "Brothelgate" and a professor's infamous sex demonstration. It's embedded above for your enjoyment.

Catholic U Dorms Brace for More Gay Orgies

Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/11 10:36AM

Is Catholic-filled Catholic University a "den of sin," infested with more STDs than your average koala bear? One can scarcely draw any other conclusion, based on the fact that the school's president now believes he must forcefully segregate students of opposite genders from one another, lest all this hot, hot sexxx continue unabated.