
Most College Students Are Part Time, and None of Them Graduate

Hamilton Nolan · 09/27/11 09:27AM

Since everyone in America aged 17-29 smartly decided to "wait out the recession" by enrolling in college—a magical fantasy land which temporarily makes your lack of purpose in life disappear—it stands to reason that college graduation rates would also be rising, right? All those motivated young go-getters just raring to acquire skills with which to grab the world by the throat, and eat it? Right? No.

Theater Professor's Firefly Poster Declared Threatening

Lauri Apple · 09/27/11 08:04AM

The campus police at the University of Wisconsin-Stout deserve praise, bravery medals, and $100 gift certificates to their favorite steakhouse for ripping down theater professor James Miller's Firefly poster before it could murder any students. Oh wait—not praise and etc., but ridicule.

Muslim Students Convicted of Being Mean to Israeli Ambassador

John Cook · 09/23/11 03:39PM

Last year, when Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren announced his intention to speak at the University of California at Irvine, some members of the school's Muslim Students Union plotted to inform Oren of their feelings about some of Israel's policies. They used their voices to do so. This is illegal!

Goals for Colleges: Admit More Rich Kids, Help Fewer Poor Kids

Lauri Apple · 09/21/11 09:11AM

A new survey reveals that U.S. colleges increasingly favor rich students who can pay their way without financial assistance even if they're dumber than poorer kids (unlikely). For you poor kids out there, this is good news: You can stop studying now. It doesn't matter anymore.

Famous Rapper Wreaks Havoc on College Bar by Demanding Drinks for Free

Maureen O'Connor · 09/20/11 12:19PM

It was the coolest of times, it was the crappiest of times. B.o.B., a famous rapper, came all the way to Ithaca to play a show at Cornell University. This was, according to locals, cool. But then he went and ran up a $1,060 bill at a local bar, and refused to pay the waiter. This was, according to locals, not cool. The Cornell Daily Sun reports:

Americans Too Dumb to Pick the Right College

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/11 10:40AM

Are you "rational" when it comes to thinking about college? Hey, get real, jerk. Of course not. Whether you're a parent or a college-bound student, your brain is little more than a mishmash of various glossy college brochure stock photos and loan rate percentages that you can't even calculate. I hope you're not a math major, you irrational fool.

Moron Student Who Accused Jewish Prof of Anti-Semitism: I Am The Victim Here

Hamilton Nolan · 09/15/11 09:19AM

Yesterday, we brought you the story of Sarah Grunfeld, the 22 year-old student at York University who ran out and publicly accused her (Jewish) sociology professor of anti-Semitism when he said the phrase "Jews should be sterilized"—as an example of a bad opinion. Grunfeld's reasoning: "The words, ‘Jews should be sterilized' still came out of his mouth, so regardless of the context I still think that's pretty serious."

The Middle Class of Colleges Also Dead

Hamilton Nolan · 09/14/11 11:29AM

Kids these days should be thankful to even get accepted into a community college, what with the parents of kids these days having so little money to donate to the endowments of Ivy League universities. Unfortunately for kids these days, community colleges these days are way more crappy than expensive colleges these days. Sucks to be poor these days!

Tweets About Boobs, 'Bitch Glare' Haunt Student Body Prez

Lauri Apple · 09/11/11 06:54PM

Some students at the College of Charleston in South Carolina are calling for the impeachment of their student body president because he posted super-offensive tweets about other students on the Twitter. But is their campaign driven by morality or revenge? Maybe both! Let's see if we can figure out which party's acting the most assholish here.

College to Drug Test Entire Student Body

Hamilton Nolan · 09/08/11 09:30AM

Perhaps you thought your freshman year would be one long debauchery festival featuring a few term papers here and there interspersed with copious amounts of alcohol, marijuana, ecstasy, hashish, hash oil, opium, ketamine, cocaine, GHB, DMT, DXM, LSD, salvia, amphetamine, methamphetamine, nitrous oxide, ayahuasca, ibogaine, peyote, and various distillations of regional hallucinogenic plants.

College Now 57% Off

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/11 03:16PM

Want to be a teacher? Found out recently that you have to go to "college" to be a teacher? Upset at the high price of college? Looking for the cheapest possible way to be a teacher? Groupon!

College Professor Wanted for Dealing Meth, Leading Biker Gang

Jeff Neumann · 09/02/11 04:25AM

Cal State San Bernardino associate professor Stephen Kinzey not only taught kinesiology, but he was allegedly the leader of a meth-selling biker gang, the Devils Diciples. The Los Angeles Times reports that an arrest warrant is out for Kinzey after police raided his home and found all sorts of goodies. And while we say allegedly, this guy's exteme goatee kind of gives him away. But still, this is pretty crazy:

Clueless UCLA Math Major Joins Libyan Rebels

Adrian Chen · 09/01/11 02:05PM

Journalists reporting on Libya's civil war have stumbled upon 21-year-old UCLA math student Chris Jeon, who has joined the Libyan rebels because "It is the end of my summer vacation, so I thought it would be cool to join the rebels."

The 25 Most Unranked Colleges in America

Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/11 01:17PM

It's a day of the year, which means it's time for an online media outlet to produce a listicle of colleges, ranked upon some wacky basis! The Daily Beast tries to cover every conceivable college listicle angle today—but they stop after ranking only the categories of Best International Schools, Best Party Schools, Most Beautiful, Happiest, Brainiacs, Activists, Best Food, Future CEOs, Artistic, Least Rigorous, Cheapest, Return on Investment, Most Rigorous, Free-Spirited, Horniest, Gay-Friendly, Best Weather, Computer Geeks, Accessible Professors, Future Politicians, Greenest, and Foreign Students.