
Bill Gates even filthier rich than last year

Nick Douglas · 09/22/06 08:00AM

We came a bit late to the tech mogul scene, so we missed that whole "Bill Gates is t3h suxxors" phase. Or at least we were still young enough to say "suxxors" without irony when that phase passed. So it is with complimentary — no, congratulatory — attitude that we announce: According to Forbes, Bill Gates is $2 billion richer than he was this time last year, and he's still the richest American alive.

Media Bubble: Still Going For That Suri Traffic

abalk2 · 09/11/06 10:50AM

• Blogs: worse than the sixties. [NYT]
• Walter Scott, Walt Whitman also guilty of "sock puppetry." [NYT]
• Joe Hagan throws pretty much everything but the revelation that Bill Keller loves "The Wire" into this profile. [NYM]
• New magazine to battle Portfolio for that all-important douchebag demographic. [NYT]
• Speaking of douchebags, it's hard to identify to twattiest statement in this profile of the Flavorpill folks, but we're going to settle on, "We've been called the Cond Nast of e-mail." [NYT]
• Apparently, people wanted to see pictures of Suri Cruise. [WWD]
• Bill Gates has no iPod. Thank you, Donny Deutsch! [copyranter]

Loose wires: Hey, Macarena!

Nick Douglas · 08/11/06 07:22PM
  • Microsoft's aging founder can bust a move. Pop star Christina Milian says about performing at a recent party, "Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, was dancing to my music and he was probably the only one boogieing." Later, he sang "My Way." I wish I was joking. [Starpulse, photo by Niall Kennedy]

Make Bill Gates your plaything

Nick Douglas · 08/03/06 10:00AM

OMG PLEASE BUY. Valleywag's gizmautistic brother Gizmodo found these cute toys called "Kuggs" modeled after Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and some kind of zombie (Michael Dell?).

Steve Ballmer compares Bill Gates to Chairman Mao

Nick Douglas · 07/28/06 07:46PM

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has a hard time convincing the media that the company will do well without Bill Gates in charge. The pressure must've gotten to him, because he just compared his boss to the father of Chinese communism. Ballmer told the Wall Street Journal:

Remainders: Bill Gates is Satan again

Nick Douglas · 07/26/06 09:38PM
  • The Wall Street Journal tries hard to find a contrarian view for Wired editor Chris Anderson's book, The Long Tail. Chris Anderson, amused, topples it like a sadist at a domino exhibition. [WSJ and The Long Tail]

Guest troll: Stick a Vic in it, it's done

Nick Douglas · 06/29/06 01:03PM

The defection of Microsoft's platform evangelist Vic Gundotra to Google, days after MS's Google assassin Martin Taylor slunk off, is more than a bad sign. According to Microsoft troll Chris Coulter, it's — well, picture a comically large stack of soup cans in a Disney movie. Now pull one can from the bottom layer. Chris plays war correspondent in this speed-and-liquor-fueled totally sober doomsaying guest post.

OMG BFF! A field guide to tech mogul buddies

Nick Douglas · 06/27/06 09:02PM

When the New York Times (and every other media outlet — good job, Buffett's PR firm!) went on and on about Warren Buffett's $31-billion donation to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and how Buffett and Gates are such good pals, it seemed fair to point out other tech mogul buddies like the heads of Apple, Oracle, and Google — and to diagram them in this handy guide.

Bill Gates steals movies

Nick Douglas · 06/22/06 10:00AM

Almost missed this, until another blog pointed it out: Bill Gates watches illegal movies. Yes, the Microsoft chairman, whose company cracks down on software pirates, entertains himself with arguably pirated video on YouTube. He admitted it in the Wall Street Journal:


Nick Douglas · 06/19/06 07:51PM

Bill Gates's Microsoft retirement memo didn't need such a fancy translation. His Valleyspeak could be summed up with a classic trick from Slate. The online magazine pulled out an archived article from its days as a Microsoft property. The schtick: use MS Word's Autosummarize feature to whittle a document down to the nitty gritty.

Valleyspeak: Bill Gates's internal e-mail

Nick Douglas · 06/19/06 11:14AM

Another official memo, another official string of bull: After his retirement announcement, Microsoft founder Bill Gates sent an all-hands internal memo that the press passed around this weekend. The Valleyspeak dialect has a native speaker up in MS's Redmond HQ, so pay attention to what Gates says and what he means.