• Brett Allsop, Co-Founder of YapTA, a self-described Web 3.0 Start-Up gives his take on the fundamental difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0: I have my own life and I want to go hiking and I want the Internet to do the work for me. Amen. So do we. So do we. [John Cook's Venture Blog]
  • In an ideal recruiting universe, Simon Cowell would be your blog bitch. [Recruiting Online]
  • This Just In: CEOs like Larry Ellison and Steve Jobs are Narcissistic Bastards. Gee, that comes as a shock to all of us. [Forbes]
  • Take the Bill Gates life quiz. Our combined average: 2.5. Disclaimer: Results may be skewed by the presence of alcohol and nicotine. [Rediff News]
  • Figures on Venture Capital Investment firms. Re: Money. Re: Important to Those Who Actually Make Some. [Silicon Beat]
  • Yet another indicator of Gooveau Riche excess: Spending $25K+ on breastmilk. [SF Gate]

— Beth Gottfried