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  • Microsoft's aging founder can bust a move. Pop star Christina Milian says about performing at a recent party, "Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, was dancing to my music and he was probably the only one boogieing." Later, he sang "My Way." I wish I was joking. [Starpulse, photo by Niall Kennedy]
  • Columnist John Dvorak's new new strategy: Ignore all economic factors of a situation, naysay the rest of the press, and pretend the explosive growth doesn't resemble, like, every company in the first boom. [MarketWatch]
  • The San Fran Chronicle reviews a book that sees Silicon Valley's "brain drain" as redistributed wealth, teach-a-man-to-fish style. [SF Chronicle]
  • An old patent for contextual advertising is up for auction among the assets of a dot-com bomb. Should Google and Yahoo be worried, or is this patent only worth the clerk who filed it? [Patent Prospector]
  • The 2007 SXSW Panel Picker — a place to choose the coolest panels for next year's Austin tech conference, or a great chance to snicker at people's lousy panel suggestions. []