
Jerry Seinfeld Won't Shut Up About Lady Gaga

Matt Toder · 06/23/10 09:40PM

If you've ever watched Seinfeld, then you know Jerry is a big Mets fan. Tonight, he visited the Mets' booth with Gary Cohen and Keith Hernandez for a few innings. Lady Gaga came up, and Jerry did not hold back.

Vuvuzela Infiltrates America's Pastime

Jeff Neumann · 06/20/10 10:38AM

Say you run a mediocre baseball team that no one cares about and plays in a turquoise football stadium. How do you get your franchise in the spotlight? You find a lame schtick. Like handing out free vuvuzelas to fans.

Taser Takes Down Excited Teenage Baseball Fan

Jeff Neumann · 05/04/10 07:12AM

Philadelphia sports fans are notoriously crazy. So when a 17-year-old superfan ran onto the field during a Phillies games yesterday, one cop decided that enough was enough and fried his ass with a taser. Updated: video!

Something About Televised Baseball Doesn’t Add Up

Scott Green · 04/19/10 11:15AM

We've earned TV treating us like idiots. This is the nation that gets emotionally invested enough to call a hotline to determine whether Pamela Anderson or Evan Lysacek is the better dancer.

New Jersey Man Uses His Own Vomit As a Weapon

Ravi Somaiya · 04/16/10 04:27PM

A quite disgustingly creative young man put two fingers down his throat and deliberately vomited over an off-duty cop and his children at a baseball game, following a confrontation. This did not pan out so well.

Red Sox Fan Ruins Play Gets a Face Full of Pizza

Devon Irete · 04/16/10 02:09PM

This unlucky Red Sox fan has great seats, beer, and pizza thrown at his face when he messes with a play. The investigative reporting done by the two announcers is stuff of legends, and that pizza still looks tasty too.

Pitcher Had Diarrhea, Okay?

Elaine Moran · 04/14/10 01:30PM

This pitcher's manager simply said he was sick, but he gives us a lot more detail. It happens to everyone, but this man refuses to be ashamed.

Masochism and the Mets Fan

Anthony De Rosa · 04/06/10 12:52PM

They're not the Cubs, their futility does not go quite that deep. Cubs fans have a special brand of loserdom that is part of their very fabric.

Obama's First Pitch, Like Obama, High and Left

Pareene · 04/05/10 02:01PM

President Obama threw out the first pitch at today's Washington Nationals home opener. All the jokes, they are obvious. Like: his pitch went way left. ("I was intentionally walking the guy," Obama joked.) Obama has been so sporty lately!

Soccer players Shooting Hoops With Their Feet

Jon Martin · 03/25/10 12:24PM

Not a basketball fan? Not a soccer fan? Either way, you'll find these guys impressive. Watch as a group of skilled soccer players make their transition to the basketball court.

Coach Hal Mcrae Freaks Out

Zach Mack · 03/22/10 11:18AM

It's 1993 and you're the manager of a baseball team that's in a slump. How do you react to the reporters who ask time and time again why you suck so badly? By having a press conference meltdown.