President Obama threw out the first pitch at today's Washington Nationals home opener. All the jokes, they are obvious. Like: his pitch went way left. ("I was intentionally walking the guy," Obama joked.) Obama has been so sporty lately!

Earlier today he played basketball, with children. According to the pool report:

POTUS got in line on the north side of the court, where kids were shooting free throws. POTUS's first shot bounced off the rim, a miss. He got back in line. And he sunk his second shot.
POTUS jogged over to the south side of the court to shoot some more free throws. He cheered the kids — "Oh that's a good one!" — and made a basket.
"I just want everyone to know I'm so excited to have you guys out here," he said. "I can see you have some great athletes on the court. Some of you are not much bigger than the ball, so it may be a little hard to reach right now, but stay with it. You guys are going to be terrific."
"Let's?" he encouraged the crowd … "Move!"
POTUS jogged to the right corner, three point mark on the court. Attempt one, missed. (Oooh!) Attempt two, missed. (Owww!) Attempt three, swoosh. (Yaay!)
And he waved goodbye.

What's he trying to prove, hm? That he is an active person who enjoys sports? Or is it a cynical political maneuver to win over those Republican professional baseball viewers by your typical communist basketball fan? (Let us hope he never kicks a ceremonial field goal.)