A quite disgustingly creative young man put two fingers down his throat and deliberately vomited over an off-duty cop and his children at a baseball game, following a confrontation. This did not pan out so well.

Matthew Clemmens, 21, was at the Phillies-Nationals game on Wednesday. His companion was kicked out for unruly behaviour. In the aftermath he attacked Michael Vangelo and his daughter, who were sat in front of him. "It was the most vile, disgusting thing I've ever seen," Vangelo told the Associated Press. "He has two fingers down his throat, he lunges forward and vomits on myself and my 11-year-old."

He was charged with assault, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct and related offenses. He's being held on $36,000 bail. And, as bystanders held him down while more cops arrived, someone punched him in the face for good measure.