
AOL creepy user watch, volume 16

Nick Douglas · 08/22/06 09:51PM
  • eWeek lists ten effects of AOL's search records leak. Effect #11: Journalists everywhere goad each other to stalk AOL users. [eWeek]

AOL sacks CTO (for doing her job)

Nick Douglas · 08/21/06 05:05PM

AOL fired Chief Technology Officer Maureen Govern, according the Wall Street Journal. The paper's source says the bumbling company was responding to the outcry against its records-releasing fiasco, in which millions of user search records were released to the public.

Stephen Colbert saves you from AOL

Nick Douglas · 08/18/06 01:15PM

Pardon us for posting this a bit late — we've been following Stephen Colbert's tips for protecting our privacy on the Internet.

There's gold in them hills, and it shines like synergy!

Nick Douglas · 08/16/06 03:55PM

Once in a lifetime, two events beautifully coincide and make us think we're living in a Douglas Adams novel. Today, that is AOL's plan to dig up gold from a spammer's backyard, one month before AOL has its users hunt for gold bullion in the AOL Gold Rush.

AOL creepy user watch volume 13: Even we are sick of this now

Nick Douglas · 08/16/06 08:40AM
  • Slate lets AOL User 16006693's search record speak for itself, so we'll write the critical analysis: Pay close attention to the play of meaning, by which User 16006693 moves from "places like crawford but without cindy sheehan" to "crawford the town not cindy crawford" to "like crawford tx but not so hot" before subverting the previous terms' meanings with "cindy crawford hot." See the same thing happen with "rice hot not recipes." [Slate. It's fake, by the way.]

Loose wires: China wants to clog YouTube

Nick Douglas · 08/15/06 01:55AM
  • The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs decides to actually be funny, writing a scathing review of last weekend's debaucherous Yelp party. Aw, Steve, let 'em have their fun. Weren't you ever young and loaded with millions in funding? [Fake Steve]

AOL creepy user watch: Volume 10

Nick Douglas · 08/11/06 06:40PM

Continuing Valleywag's tireless coverage of the AOL users whose search records were exposed to the world last weekend:

Loose wires: Ted Leonsis is happier than you

Nick Douglas · 08/10/06 09:00PM
  • AOL's Netscape team explains its process of preventing users from gaming the site. Meanwhile, AOL's Weblogs, Inc. team games Netscape competitor Digg. (One Weblogs, Inc. writer tells me that Weblogs, Inc.'s internal mailing list is clogged with requests for Digg/Netscape/Reddit/ votes.) All's fair in love and war, right? [Netscape and Diggforlife]

Why Jason Calacanis matters: He could be the new Ted Leonsis — and more

Nick Douglas · 08/10/06 06:59PM

Steve Case was not the soul of AOL. The founding chairman was squeezed out because, frankly, he didn't fit the culture. The real man running AOL was vice chairman Ted Leonsis. Dot-com scribe Michael Wolff writes in his book Burn Rate that when AOL brought in Leonsis,