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Yesterday, I wrote that from the outside, Jason Calacanis looks as likely to head AOL as anyone else. But a reader who's seen him in action disagrees. "Calacanis the next AOL CEO? No way."

In one meeting, for example, Calacanis admitted that he didn't know how to turn the air conditioning on over weekend. More importantly, he said couldn't get his staff's expenses paid. "Everybody in the room was laughing at him while he thought he was Joe Cool or P Diddy," says the reader.

A real tip or a plant to discredit Jason's critics? Hell, who knows, Calacanis (and his staff's expense lists) can probably tell us. Unless it came from their office.

Earlier: Why Jason Calacanis matters: He could be the new Ted Leonsis — and more [Valleywag]