AOL creepy user watch: Volume 12

Let's catch up with the wide world of AOL privacy invasion news, the regular update on the private user records that AOL revealed to the public!
- AOL says that giving out over 20 million search records from 500,000 users may have violated its internal policies, but it was okay according to the company's privacy policy, according to Electronic Frontier Foundation lawyer Kevin Bankston. [WSJ]
- The EFF filed a complaint yesterday, asking the FTC to investigate AOL's screw-up. [EFF]
- ZDNet columnist Tom Foremski thanks AOL for adding to the library of modern existentialist work with its "glimpse into the human condition." (Except this time, there's no such thing as The Stranger.) [ZDNet]
- User 1879967, the inventive perv covered in ACUW Volume 11, lives about six blocks from Valleywag reader Adam, he says in an e-mail. Adam, buddy, lock your doors at night. Or send us photos of that creepy neighbor.
Earlier: Volume 8, Volume 9, Volume 10, Volume 11 [Valleywag]