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Continuing Valleywag's tireless coverage of the AOL users whose search records were exposed to the world last weekend:

  • Reader Aleks found User 22646185, who looked for "latinas laughing at little white dicks." They probably won't be tapped for an "AOL, fun for families!" commercial any time.
  • Reader Georgia says, "Does Ted Turner use AOL? User 20853699 is a classic with only 5 searches to his name: 'why you shoudnt drink after surgery,' 'why you shoudnt drink after surgery,' 'can you drink alcohol after surgery,' 'does alcohol thin your blood,' and 'time warner cable.'"
  • Slate's Paul Boutin IDs the seven types of searcher, and the subspecies of the Pornhound. [Slate]
  • Speaking of search habits, has anyone noticed that even the dirtiest searchers will eventually take a break to search for food? It's all like "rape porn," "tentacle," "bdsm," "steak sandwich."

Earlier: AOL creepy user watch: volume 9 [Valleywag]