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  • Slate lets AOL User 16006693's search record speak for itself, so we'll write the critical analysis: Pay close attention to the play of meaning, by which User 16006693 moves from "places like crawford but without cindy sheehan" to "crawford the town not cindy crawford" to "like crawford tx but not so hot" before subverting the previous terms' meanings with "cindy crawford hot." See the same thing happen with "rice hot not recipes." [Slate. It's fake, by the way.]
  • The Wall Street Journal notes that 15% of AOL searches were domain names meant for the address bar. Great, now we have quantified evidence that AOL means Low IQ. [WSJ]
  • Blogger GorillaSushi renders AOL search terms calm and poetic by turning them into haiku. For example:
  • Cape cod times online
    Easter decorations, Merck
    Suicide by train

  • [GorillaSushi]
  • Writer Paul Boutin says, "Plot search terms by time against the phase of the moon." [Boing Boing]
  • Technorati engineer Kevin Marks says, "So, have you cross-referenced the aol users against the Megan's Law sex offenders database?" [IM]

Earlier: Creep Watch Volume 12 [Valleywag]