
Anthony Weiner Admits to Sending Crotch Shot

Adrian Chen · 06/06/11 03:43PM

In a tearful statement to the media, Rep. Anthony Weiner this afternoon admitted he posted a picture of his own dick to Twitter. Not only that, he says he's engaged in "inappropriate" online communications with at least six other women.

Andrew Breitbart Inexplicably Crashes Anthony Weiner Press Conference

Adrian Chen · 06/06/11 03:24PM

Anthony Weiner was scheduled to hold a press conference at 4pm to address Weinergate. Well, four o'clock came around and Weiner didn't show up. But Andrew Breitbart, whose Big Government website first published the original Weinergate photo, did.

Anthony Weiner Is Your New Topless Congressman

Adrian Chen · 06/06/11 01:15PM

Here's a new picture of a bare-chested Anthony Weiner, which a young woman says he emailed her on May 20, 2011. If you look closely, you can see Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin, cuddling in a picture in the background. You can also see Weiner with Bill Clinton in the picture over his left shoulder. If only Weiner had caught Clinton's stare in the mirror's reflection—he may have reconsidered what he was about to do!

Shirley Sherrod Sues Andrew Breitbart

Jim Newell · 02/14/11 03:06PM

Shirley Sherrod, who was fired from her USDA job last year after Andrew Breitbart posted online an edited video of her, has filed a lawsuit for libel and slander against Breitbart in D.C. Superior Court. The suit was filed on Friday, and Breitbart was served with it this weekend, while attending the Conservative Political Action Conference, according to The New York Times.

The 'Hottest' Party at CPAC Features an Omnisexual Singer from the '90s

Adrian Chen · 02/09/11 09:51PM

The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) starts tomorrow in Washington, D.C. You may think that hanging out with the likes of Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, talking about why poor people are to blame for all of America's problems, sounds about as appealing as an icepick to the eye.

White House Embarrasses Itself over Andrew Breitbart's Race-Baiting

Max Read · 07/21/10 12:05AM

On Tuesday, Shirley Sherrod, a black USDA employee, resigned, under pressure from the White House, after conservative publisher Andrew Breitbart published a video where she seemed to admit to anti-white discrimination. Except the video shows her saying the exact opposite.