Inappropriately fired USDA employee Shirley Sherrod, unafraid of exercising her limitless leverage, wanted a phone conversation with President Obama. She got her wish "at about 12:35" today, according to the White House. "They spoke for seven minutes." Pleasant! Or not?

Sherrod, who has settled comfortably into her own media hyper-reality, literally kept a CNN reporter with her throughout the call, but was polite enough to keep it off of speaker. Within these seven minutes, Obama was able to show off his briefing-retention skills and engage her in a modest literary discussion.

"The President told Ms. Sherrod that this misfortune can present an opportunity for her to continue her hard work on behalf of those in need, and he hopes that she will do so," according to the White House...

The president made comparisons between his discussions of race in his books and Sherrod's comments in the wake of her firing, Sherrod told the reporter, and mentioned lawsuits put forth by black farmers against the USDA.

So, to paraphrase what Obama must have been thinking by the end of the phone call, will she accept the fucking job offer now? Not yet, and it doesn't look like she'll let him off the hook anytime soon:

According to a CNN reporter who was present when the conversation took place, Sherrod said she invited the president to come visit her in southern Georgia. No word on whether Mr. Obama accepted the invitation.

Meanwhile, smear goblin Andrew Breitbart has not apologized in the slightest. He may want to, to avoid getting sued. Then again, that would just be more publicity, wouldn't it?