[There was a video here]

Anthony Weiner was scheduled to hold a press conference at 4pm to address Weinergate. Well, four o'clock came around and Weiner didn't show up. But Andrew Breitbart, whose Big Government website first published the original Weinergate photo, did.

At around 4pm, Breitbart just waltzed right onto the stage — the one where Weiner is supposed to address the media at any minute about his ever-growing scandal — and rambled on for about 13 minutes about how the story is legit and defended himself and his reporters against allegations of a set up. "I mean, come on, it is news, my friends. It is news and I know of countless other news organizations that would put this out there." He also added: "I'm doing this to save his family." The assembled media seemed happy to talk to anyone about Weiner's dick and peppered Breitbart with questions.

At around 4:11, Breitbart abruptly left the stage. Even the Fox News guy were befuddled: Was the whole presser a set up by Breitbart? We're still waiting for Weiner!

Update: Weiner is addressing the media right now.