Shirley Sherrod, the USDA worker whom Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack hastily fired following a deplorable Andrew Breitbart video hit job that made her appear racist, may be offered her job back. Soon. But now she may not even want it.

Can you imagine the embarrassment of the Secretary of Agriculture, speaking on behalf of the White House, asking her to take her job back, and her refusing? This would not all play out quite so publicly, but god, what a hot mess:

"I am just not sure how I would be treated there," Shirley Sherrod said in a nationally broadcast interview. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Wednesday he would reconsider the department's decision to oust Sherrod over her comments that she didn't give a white farmer as much help as she could have 24 years ago.

She said later in a broadcast interview that she might consider returning if she had the chance, saying she's received encouraging calls, including one from the NAACP.

Meanwhile, Andrew Breitbart, the least honest and most effective political activist in the country, wonders whether the white farmers who have been defending Sherrod in the media are actually plants, and not the real white farmers from Sherrod's story. This is literally something Andrew Breitbart said on television.

Don't think that this will put an end to Breitbart. In a couple of months he'll make a video of, say, a potato chip on his bathroom floor, and Barack Obama will resign within hours.