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Gwyneth Paltrow was certainly on a roll when it came to revamping her ice queen image with repeated appearances in bad girl ensembles revealing all kinds of T&A. And we did appreciate the fact that she earnestly tried to justify her new call girl look by explaining that she sucks so hard at the whole acting thing. But at last night's Iron Man premiere in LA, we fear Paltrow's hit a speed bump when it comes to comprehending exactly what "sexy" means. Last we heard, wide-legged jumpsuits showcasing only her clavicle and shoulder blades weren't topping the lists of most male fantasy outfits. But despite falling off the hotness wagon temporarily, Paltrow did manage to pose for a photo that won't exactly improve the week of drug tape-addled Angelina Jolie, baby mama to Paltrow's former fiancé.

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We happen to think Paltrow still looks great - the hair, the jewels and the makeup are all working for her. She looks better now than she did during that pixie cut/super-skinny phase back in the 90s when everyone thought she was so It, whatever that means. But a jumpsuit? Sure, she's promoting a superhero movie so costumes are relevant, but from the neck down, she's somehow giving us a Juliette Lewis in Natural Born Killers vibe during that scene where Mallory seduces a gas attendant before killing him.

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And speaking of Brad Pitt ex-girlfriends, Gwyneth, of course, happens to be one of them. Which is why we find this photo of Paltrow and Angelina Jolie's estranged father Jon Voight holding hands and laughing so oddly captivating. What could Voight possibly be telling her? His plot to send Gwyneth on a peace mission and send Jolie a message from her dear old Dad? That he always thought G&B were meant to be and has specific instructions on how to get him back (a plan that could enable him to get his estranged daughter back)? We'll never know. Most likely, he's just dusting off some ancient flirting tactics and using them on poor Paltrow.

[Photo credits: Getty]