
Come Back to Earth Robert DeNiro

Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/15 10:16AM

At a star-studded gala honoring Angelina Jolie last night, Robert DeNiro reportedly got angry at some tech guy for “condescending” to celebrities. Chill out Robert DeNiro.

Being Married to Brad Pitt Is "Hard Work"

Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/22/14 07:35PM

This Christmas, let's all say a prayer for Angelina Jolie and the adversity she faces in her blessed marriage to human golden retriever Brad Pitt.

Angelina Jolie Has Been Poxed 

Allie Jones · 12/15/14 08:52AM

Angelina Jolie didn't show up for the premiere of Unbroken this weekend, and it wasn't because she found out last week from the Sony leaks that Hollywood producer Scott Rudin called her a "minimally talented spoiled brat." No, apparently Jolie is hiding her face because it is covered in chickenpox.

Angelina Jolie's Kids Goddamn Obsessed With Her Marriage to Brad Pitt

Caity Weaver · 10/16/14 12:33PM

You ever have a friend who was obsessed with your life? Always tryin' to stay over your house and learn your family members' names, then speaking to and about them in a familial tone? Saying, of you and your partner, "Oh my God, I love you guys together. You're seriously like my favorite couple. I wish I were part of the couple. Haha, is that weird? Just kidding, obviously, I like you guys together. Do you ever feel like I am part of the couple?"

Angelina Jolie's Wedding Outfit Had Her Kids' Scribbles All Over It

Caity Weaver · 09/02/14 09:15AM

Used to be Angelina Jolie showed everyone she was a wild angel by allowing the actor Billy Bob Thornton to perform acts of coitus with her and having a godawful dragon tattoo. Now that she's more mature, she has to dream up new ways to subvert our perceptions—of what a bride should wear on her wedding day; of what is and is not appropriate to do with the actor Billy Bob Thornton.

Bad Witch, Worse Movie: Maleficent

Rich Juzwiak · 05/30/14 11:30AM

Did you know that the Disney villain Maleficent isn't a bitch? I didn't know that Maleficent isn't a bitch. I went to the movie bearing her name expecting to watch a bitch. I did not get a bitch. Life, though, for those 97 minutes was a bitch. I guess that's something.

Caity Weaver · 11/19/12 11:27AM

Jennifer Aniston's fiancé allegedly invited Brad and Ang to her wedding. Jolie's wedding gift: burning down the church.

Brad and Angelina Are Engaged

Maureen O'Connor · 04/13/12 01:08PM

The most famous unwed parents in America may soon wed, The Hollywood Reporter reports. After Angelina Jolie was photographed with a giant diamond on her ring finger, jeweler Robert Procop confirmed that he "did indeed design an engagement ring for Angelina Jolie, designed in collaboration with Brad Pitt." So either they're engaged, or Angie is playing a cruel joke on every tabloid magazine on the planet. [THR]

Angelina's Right Leg Poised to Supplant All Creative Arts Forever

Maureen O'Connor · 02/27/12 01:53PM

A study in speed meme-ing: In under 24 hours, Angelina Jolie's dramatic right leg has taken over the internet. As we speak, America's most powerful meme factories are pumping their pistons as fast as they can: What if Angelina's leg had a Twitter feed? What if it got peppersprayed? What if she showed both her legs? What should we call it? Jolie-ing? Angelegging? What if Al Roker did this pose?