The top ten employers in California congressional District 15 include Cisco, Stanford, HP, Lockheed Martin, IBM, Intel and Google. Here's a hearty congratulations to the 9,388 of you voted for John Edwards. Good job. Too bad he isn't running for president anymore. Absentee voting by mail, a popular option in California, likely explains their votes. Another 8,104 of you voted for a guy — Mike Huckabee — who thinks Noah coaxed a T-Rex on board the Ark. Next time, if you want to participate in civic affairs, why not spend the afternoon editing Wikipedia? Here's how the rest of Santa Clara County voted, according to the Mercury News.

Democratic primary

  • 113,032 for Clinton (55 percent)
  • 80,946 for Obama (39 percent)
  • 9,388 for Edwards (5 percent)

Republican primary

  • 44,709 for McCain (50 percent)
  • 23,050 for Romney (26 percent)
  • 8,104 for Huckabee (9 percent)
  • 4,643 for Paul (5 percent)