
Pokémon Go Is a Government Surveillance Psyop Conspiracy

Ashley Feinberg · 07/11/16 02:00PM

Less than a week after Pokémon Go’s launch, our streets are already filled with packs of phone-wielding, Weedle-catching zombies. They’re robbing our teens, filling our churches with sinners, and tricking our children into exercising. But worst of all, Pokémon Go is turning us all into an army of narcs in service of the coming New World Order.

Tech Workers Should Unionize

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/16 11:56AM

Last week, the drivers who shuttle San Francisco Google employees to work voted to unionize with the Teamsters. How long until their passengers do the same thing?

All the Dumb Questions You Asked Google About the GOP Debate, Answered

Ashley Feinberg · 01/29/16 02:38PM

Last night, we got a taste of our very first taste of a debate night duel. On one side, we had our typical, Fox News-facilitated pageantry of foot-stomping candidates vying for our love. On the other side, we got Trump. As for you—well, you had questions.

Google Docs will now type words you say except words like f***

Andy Cush · 09/03/15 02:22PM

I’m sitting in the phone room trying to use Google Docs new voice typing feature so far it’s working pretty well. it turns out that voice typing won’t punctuate your sentences for you. Capital R. I’m not sure how to capitalize the first word in a sentence. also, it censors your curse words.

Perfect Google Robot Car Not at Fault for Accident With Faulty Humans

Ashley Feinberg · 07/17/15 09:42AM

One of Google’s very good self-driving cars that have been zipping around Mountain View, California has gotten in its first accident involving injuries. The humans, who are very bad and distracted easily, were at fault. The machine was good, and we’re glad it’s here, very glad.

Nobody Wanna Watch Your Wack Video Ad

Hamilton Nolan · 05/08/15 09:00AM

The internet is full of “video ads” that some highly paid corporate marketing officer paid tons of money to some advertising firm to produce. Nobody is watching that shit.

Kelly Conaboy · 11/18/14 03:21PM

"They say on the Internet / There are no neutrals there / You'll either be on Spotify / Or on Google's new Music Key streaming service." In the Taylor Swift vs. Billy Bragg fight, which side are you on?

Why Are These Rich Tech Companies Asking Us Commoners to Stop Ebola?

Leah Finnegan · 11/11/14 01:09PM

Facebook and Google, multi-billion dollar corporations that mine your private data for money, are apparently very concerned about the Ebola virus, because they are "socially active" companies. So they are asking—nay, guilting—their users for money to "help" "stop" and "fight" Ebola.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/14/14 02:00PM

A programming note: tomorrow (Monday) at noon Eastern time, Julian Assange will be online here to answer reader questions about his new book, When Google Met Wikileaks. Join us then.

Adam Weinstein · 05/21/14 12:33PM

In an "opinion" column mostly devoid of opinions, Maureen Dowd seems to express some wistful hope for a future internet that forgets and buries all references to our past mistakes and transgressions. That's Maureen Dowd, admitted plagiarist.