
The National Enquirer Has Been Right Before

Sam Biddle · 03/25/16 03:50PM

It’s easy to dismiss today’s National Enquirer story about the alleged secret, highly active extramarital sex life of Ted Cruz, because, hey, it’s just some crappy tabloid that makes up all of its stories, right? And it’s true: They’ve printed a lot of fantasy and nonsense. But on some stories—including some huge ones—the Enquirer has been very right.

Sarah Hedgecock · 10/15/13 10:49AM

"I am sincerely sorry for my bad behavior, and for hurting anyone. If I hurt you, I am sorry. It was not my intention, I was thoughtless and selfish, and I am sorry." Rielle Hunter, John Edwards's erstwhile mistress, will apologize to you electronically for $3.99.

Sarah Palin's Marathon Time Was Two Minutes Faster Than Paul Ryan's

Taylor Berman · 09/03/12 03:45PM

It was bad enough that Paul Ryan compulsively lied about his marathon time, but now comes word that, among recent vice-presidential candidates who ran marathons, Ryan is only the third fastest. John Edwards posted the fastest time at three hours and thirty minutes. Impressive, if not super surprising; you don't get to be as monstrously vain and awful as him without a masochistic workout regimen. The real surprise here, though – and the one sure to sting the most to Ryan – is the report that former Alaska Governor and current reality TV matriarch Sarah Palin ran a marathon in three hours and fifty-nine minutes, a full two minutes faster than Ryan's time.

Hitting on Younger Women Is Not a Crime

Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/12 10:43AM

Oh that John Edwards, that guy, always combing his hair and having babies out of wedlock while his wife is dying of cancer, that jerk. What is his latest outrageous action, that he did, so that we can all get mad at him, once again, the pretty boy? Let's see, here it is, right in the foldy newspaper with all the pictures:

Bill Maher: The Only Politics We Understand Is Scandal

Matt Toder · 04/27/12 10:21PM

On tonight's Real Time, Bill Maher closed with rant about the state of our country's political discourse. "The only politics we understand is scandal," he said, "and the only scandal we understand is sex." Maher recounted many politicians who are not held accountable for their lies until those lies involve sex. It all boils down to the very problematic way we talk about both politics and sex in the United States.

John Edwards Sex Tape Will Be Destroyed

Adrian Chen · 02/24/12 10:28AM

A Judge has ruled that the legendary sex tape starring John Edwards and his mistress Rielle Hunter must be destroyed because, if unleashed, it could block out the sun and bring a thousand-year night to the Earth. The judge has ordered the tape to be cast into the very fires from which it was forged: a massive flaming Sambuca in some trashy beach bar.

Gossipy Presidential Campaign Books May Scare Michele Bachmann Away

Jim Newell · 05/19/11 01:55PM

No book has scared away more possible presidential candidates this cycle than Mark Halperin and John Heilemann's Game Change, the definitive "horse race" account of the 2008 presidential race that focuses on making every relevant politician's family life look like utter shit. Haley Barbour and John Thune have already bypassed runs this year largely on account of their spouses wanting no part of the gossip industries that would coalesce around them, and Mitch Daniels is still weighing his decision for similar reasons. But are these pulp novels giving Rep. Michele Bachmann some hesitancy, too?

Judge Has More Sex Tape Questions for John Edwards

Jim Newell · 04/29/11 01:20PM

Remember the sex tape that Democratic pariah John Edwards made with the mother of his illegitimate child, the delightful Rielle Hunter? Hunter is still suing Edwards confidante-turned-enemy Andrew Young for possession of the tape. Edwards has already offered some testimony, and now the judge wants more. Gross.