
Fundraiser for Senator John McCain Arrested in Arizona Meth-Lab Bust

Brendan O'Connor · 04/27/16 02:25PM

On Tuesday afternoon, Maricopa County sheriff’s deputies arrested Emily Pitha, an independent political consultant working for Senator John McCain’s re-election campaign, during a drug bust at her home in Phoenix, Arizona. Police made the arrest after her boyfriend signed for a package from the Netherlands containing more than 250 grams of MDMA.

Georgetown PhD Faker Helped Convince John McCain to Strike Syria

J.K. Trotter · 09/12/13 04:18PM

Elizabeth O’Bagy is a frequently-cited “expert” on Syria, a popular talking head on cable news, and recently wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal that Senator John McCain and State Secretary John Kerry both cited as evidence for bombing Syria. (She was later outed as an employee of a pro-Syrian-rebel group.) You can watch her arguing with Fareed Zakaria on CNN in the video above. The only problem: she faked her credentials at Georgetown, where she claims to have earned a PhD. Zack Beauchamp at ThinkProgress tracks how O’Bagy claimed she was a “doctor” even though anyone could have easily proven otherwise:

Cord Jefferson · 07/25/13 11:59AM

Senator John McCain theorizes that replacing the $1 bill with a $1 coin could be a boon for strippers: "[P]ressed about the predicament facing scores of the country’s skin-baring and bill-collecting women, McCain responded without missing a beat, 'Then I hope that they could obtain larger denominations.'"

O Come, All Ye Faithful, to Your Republican Baptism

Hamilton Nolan · 08/30/12 09:38AM

To watch America's most treasured political theater play out firsthand is to come to understand that this is not about real things that happen in the world outside of television boxes and the mouths of anointed leaders. This is a mass indulgence of the faithful in the collective ecstasy of their faith. As an act of cognitive dissonance, the speeches of the Republican convention were breathtaking in their boldness.