
Hillary, Let Us Write Your Tweets

Ashley Feinberg and Hudson Hongo · 08/11/16 03:15PM

Earlier today, Hillary Clinton tweeted to her over eight million followers that Barack Obama is not, in fact, the founder of ISIS. At the time of publication, that tweet has been retweeted roughly 6,000 times and “faved” 10,000 times, which is fine. It’s a fine tweet. But Hillary—we can do better. Let us do better.

Remember When Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Were Maybe Forced To Pose Nude In College?

Brendan O'Connor · 08/08/16 12:35PM

Who really cares that Melania Trump posed nude? That the New York Post published the photos last month briefly distracted from her husband’s feud with the family of a dead Muslim veteran, but otherwise mostly served to ignite another scandal: What’s the deal with Melania’s early immigration status? We all moved on from the nudes per se so quickly that we all forgot to remember that thanks to a bizarre (and mercifully discontinued) practice at Ivy League and Seven Sisters schools, there is some chance—slim though it may be—that there exists, somewhere on this globe, a nude or two of Hillary Clinton and of Donald Trump.

NYT Journalist Wonders Why Politicians Are Putting Their Hands Over Their Hearts All of a Sudden 

Hannah Gold · 08/07/16 03:00PM

Error-prone New York Times reporter Alessandra Stanley has spotted a novel and inscrutable hand gesture where one places their hand over their heart. It is popular in particular amongst politicians, usually the last to become aware of national trends. Stanley has observed Chelsea Clinton doing it, Michelle Obama doing it, but, most of all, Hillary Clinton doing it all the time.

Hillary Clinton Lists Her Black Friends

Ashley Feinberg · 08/05/16 01:36PM

For the first time in months, Hillary Clinton has actually agreed to take questions from the press. Granted, this wasn’t an actual press conference but an appearance at the National Association for Black and Hispanic Journalists convention in Washington, as off-the-cuff as she’s likely to get. Which is why we got to hear two minutes of Hillary Clinton listing her many black friends.

Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton "Is the Devil"

Hudson Hongo · 08/01/16 09:00PM

While discussing Bernie Sanders at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Monday, Donald Trump identified Hillary Clinton as the wicked one, the father of lies, the serpent of old, Beelzebub, the god of this age: Satan.

Clinton Campaign Apparently Also Hacked by Russians

Brendan O'Connor · 07/29/16 06:17PM

In an attack that apparently came from a Russian intelligence agency—and that may or may not be related to similar recent cyber attacks on other Democratic party organizations—computer systems tied to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign have been hacked, New York Times and Reuters reported on Friday.

The Hedge Fund Candidate

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/16 09:53AM

As we leave the “Feel-Good Personality Propaganda Celebration” period of the campaign and move into the part where we think about the stuff that may or may not actually get done, here is a relevant data point.