
NYPD Doubts That NYPD Commissioner's Son Is a Rapist

Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 09:21AM

Last week, NYC Fox News anchor Greg Kelly, the son of NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly, was accused of rape by a woman who said that he, you know, raped her in her office following a night of drinking. Now, anonymous police sources tell the city's least trustworthy tabloid that Kelly may be innocent.

NYC Tourist Pro Tip: Don't Let Anyone 'Borrow' Your Credit Card

Hamilton Nolan · 12/06/11 09:14AM

Lots of people enjoy traveling from their far-flung American hometowns here, to the "Big Apple," the "City That Never Sleeps," a place "Where Stars Are Born," and "You Will Probably Get Robbed." Please, gentle tourists, heed this Public Service Announcement: Do not let anyone "borrow" your credit card, here in "Gotham."

Bloomberg Thinks the NYPD Is His Own Army

Max Read · 11/30/11 01:03PM

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has never been accused of taking a heavy-handed approach to governing. Want to smoke? Go ahead! Want to have a little salt with your deep-fried meat product? All you, baby! Want to camp out for a few weeks in a park to protest? Who's going to stop you? Only his army.

Gorilla Pimping Is Alive and Well in Brooklyn

Hamilton Nolan · 11/30/11 09:43AM

I don't mean to come off as a "sheltered Susan" who's not "street smart" about "how these things work," but I found this story a wee bit more disturbing than would be indicated by the paltry level of media attention it received. How do you become a prostitute in Brooklyn these days? Just by being snatched off the street, at random!

'The White Ambassador:' Whiteface on the Streets of Harlem

Hamilton Nolan · 11/28/11 01:34PM

Nate Hill is the New York artist behind the Free Bouncy Rides, Death Bear, the dead body dead body, and other, sunnier projects. Hill is biracial, and his latest work has a racial theme: for the next several months, Hill, in whiteface, will travel to Harlem as "The White Ambassador," prowling the streets to talk about important issues such as how white people are or are not stank. In the video above, watch as absurd performance art turns into an earnest and heartfelt conversation with a man on the street.

There's One Less Way to Get Cheap Smokes

Hamilton Nolan · 11/22/11 10:27AM

Cigarette taxes here in New York stand at four hundred and eleven dollars per pack, approximately, a burden to which New York smokers have reacted by grumbling slightly more than usual before heading out to turn tricks in order to score enough cash to buy three American Spirit loosies. "Rolling your own?" Don't try it, smart guy!

Latest Terror Suspect Is a Loner Who Lives With His Mom

Lauri Apple · 11/20/11 08:28PM

Say hello to Jose Pimentel! Jose, 27, pictured at right, lives in New York City with his mom, enjoys the Internet, and—according to "his friends" (the mainstream media)—is a "loner." Oh, and he was just arrested for allegedly making pipe bombs for terroristic purposes.

Maybe Starbucks Will Have Bathroom Attendants Soon

Hamilton Nolan · 11/18/11 11:43AM

Earlier this week, New Yorkers were shaken and alarmed by a report that Starbucks could be closing some of its restrooms in the city, leaving us all with nowhere to urinate except in Roger Ailes' face. The company denied the report, but this is simply too important of a story to "take their word for it." Now, the New York Times is on the case!

If You've Used an ATM Near Union Square, Bad News

Hamilton Nolan · 11/17/11 09:27AM

Have you used a Chase ATM near Union Square in Manhattan this year? If you live in or have traveled to Manhattan any time this year, I bet that you have! So, you should know that your ATM card information has been... not definitely stolen. But possibly! I'm sure you're just fine.

Starbucks Is Tired of Being Your Urinal

Hamilton Nolan · 11/16/11 11:20AM

We know what Starbucks is up to. First, they started clearing out all the laptop hobos who occupy tables for hours while nursing a single cup of coffee. And now, Starbucks is cutting back on its free public bathrooms. It's almost as if this multinational corporation only cares about money!

Your New York City Subway Survival Guide

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/11 03:43PM

In its infinite wisdom, the New York City Transit system has decided to stop shutting down the subways for repairs every weekend, and start shutting down the subways for repairs every weeknight. How will this affect you, the straphanger, and the "new breed" of trained subway thieves that prowl the trains to prey on you? Allow us to help you make sense of the new, improved New York Subway system.

Bare Boob Advocate Bares Boobs in Court

Hamilton Nolan · 10/13/11 08:16AM

Holly Van Voast (pictured, center) is a woman with a bold name and an equally bold cause: breasts, breasts, breasts. Holly Van Voast's breasts, specifically. In public! In a courtroom! Breasts everywhere, for all!