
NYPD in 'We Are Racist' Shocker

Hamilton Nolan · 09/26/11 08:32AM

New York City is the world's greatest cultural melting pot, so it stands to reason that its police force would be a beacon of tolerance and understanding. Right? Sorry. It turns out some NYPD officers may be racist.

Jon Stewart: Anthony's Wiener Worse for NY Democrats than Great Depression

Matt Cherette · 09/14/11 10:53PM

In what some called a sort of a Jew d'Etat, Republican Bob Turner defeated Democrat David Weprin yesterday in a special election to fill the empty congressional seat in New York's Anthony Weiner-stained 9th district. Turner's win represented the end of an 88-year hold on the seat by Democrats in a district where they outnumber Republicans three-to-one. And while there are a few theories floating around as to what caused the tidal shift, Jon Stewart had a firm grip on one in particular on tonight's Daily Show.

A Voyeur's View of the NYC Subway System

Matt Cherette · 09/02/11 01:49AM

Everyone loves people watching, and there aren't many better places to do so than in a New York City subway station. But what if you could witness all the action anonymously from beyond the public access points? As this short film by Sean Vegezzi shows, it's what we'd imagine a voyeur's slightly creepy dream to look like. [via Doobybrain]

Whites Are Officially a Minority in Your City

Hamilton Nolan · 08/31/11 10:41AM

We're going to come right out and say it: our urban neighborhoods are being overrun by minorities, and they're ruining everything. Bushwick? Full of minorities. Bed-Stuy? Infested. Even Harlem. All ruined by hordes of minorities. (White people.)

Will Hurricane Irene Destroy NYC? Place Your Bets

Hamilton Nolan · 08/25/11 01:06PM

As you know because you are currently reading this blog post on your handheld device as you stand in line at Home Depot where you're purchasing plywood, duct tape, and guns (shhhh), Hurricane Irene is allegedly headed straight for New York City. Is it even worth worrying?

Vicious Girl Fight Takes Over Entire NYC Subway Car

Matt Cherette · 08/17/11 02:29AM

We learned last week how annoying it can be when people take over an entire New York City subway car to throw a party. But there are worse things in this world, as you'll see in this newly uploaded video of an all-girl brawl that erupted on the R train.

Accused Rapist: Woman Whose Apartment I Broke Into Totally Wanted It

Hamilton Nolan · 08/16/11 08:30AM

This is a distasteful subject, yes, but let's, for a moment, talk about defenses against a rape charge. I guess people who are charged with a violent rape could say it was a case of mistaken identity, that they weren't the guy who did it. That is about the only possible defense that I can think of! Or, you can try what NYC rape suspect Jason Quinones is saying: that terrified woman whose apartment I broke into totally wanted it.

How to Drown in an Elevator

Hamilton Nolan · 08/15/11 08:18AM

Two construction workers renovating a hotel on Staten Island got on the elevator yesterday morning. The door, they found, was stuck. The men began pressing buttons for every floor, trying to find one that would work. Eventually, they ended up in the basement. From the NYT:

Politician's Car Shot Up in Brooklyn

Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/11 08:24AM

William Boyland Jr., a Democratic New York state assemblyman from Brooklyn, was driving his Yukon down Sutter Ave. in Brownsville last night with his seven year-old son. Then—hello!—somebody started shooting, and a bullet blasted out his back window.

Intoxicated Crazy Man Also Aspiring Subway Boxer

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/11 03:16PM

"Chronicles of the A train. Chronicles of the A train," says the world-weary straphanger after witnessing this severely one-sided "fight" that is today's entry into the hefty catalog of recent subway insanity. I bet what would help to not have a clearly insane and/ or intoxicated man get his ass beat by the most frustrated of an entire train car's worth of frustrated riders is to shut the train doors more frequently than once every four minutes. That would deprive us all of our day's unsettling voyeurism, though.

Take a Peek Inside an Abandoned NYC Subway Station

Matt Cherette · 08/03/11 09:54PM

After taking us through New York City's labyrinth of underground tunnels and sewers, "urban explorer" Steve Duncan is back with a new video featuring his trek through the abandoned half of a subway track along Spring Street in Nolita (which just so happens to be right below Gawker's offices). Watch Duncan's exploration in the video above. [via Gothamist]