Holly Van Voast (pictured, center) is a woman with a bold name and an equally bold cause: breasts, breasts, breasts. Holly Van Voast's breasts, specifically. In public! In a courtroom! Breasts everywhere, for all!

Holly Van Voast is known for going topless all over New York City on principle, god bless her, so naturally the pigs hauled her into court for the "crime" of baring her breasts in Grand Central Terminal—something that men happily pay for at various establishments only blocks from Grand Central Terminal. Well! The NYT eagerly reports that she bared her breasts again yesterday, in court, as some sort of statement, or... whatever, you know we support you Holly.

"My lawyer has been sort of confused by my behavior," Ms. Van Voast said of [attorney Franklin] Schwartz, who was assigned to the case only on Wednesday.

Mr. Schwartz, 89, said he had never seen anything quite like this in his 62 years of practicing law.

Where is Henny Youngman when you need him?! He's up in heaven, gazing fondly down on Holly Van Voast, and masturbating. For equality!

[NYT. Photo: FB]