I don't mean to come off as a "sheltered Susan" who's not "street smart" about "how these things work," but I found this story a wee bit more disturbing than would be indicated by the paltry level of media attention it received. How do you become a prostitute in Brooklyn these days? Just by being snatched off the street, at random!

A 28 year-old woman (who is deaf) was visiting her family in Brooklyn. She was walking down the street early Monday morning, headed back to her grandmother's house. Then a man and a woman in a car just rolled up on her and grabbed her and kidnapped her and tried to force her into prostitution, right then and there. No flowers, no champagne, no sweet talk, no nothing. From WABC:

Police say the suspects drove her around for hours, attempting to force her into at least one house to act as a prostitute. When she refused, the couple allegedly beat her.

The woman finally escaped during a struggle in Bedford Stuyvesant just after 9 a.m., which was caught by a nearby surveillance camera.

Come visit beautiful Brooklyn, where you may be abducted off the street and forced into prostitution at any moment! What ever happened to all of that subtle psychological manipulation that pimps do in the movies? Gorilla pimping is so much less glamorous than Project Pat makes it out to be.

[Photo via]