
To-Do: Le Camion, Ryan McGinness, or Nicolai Dunger

Jessica · 02/28/06 02:45PM

Le Camion, the final showing in the Alliance Francaise's month-long Marguerite Duras festival, stars the director and Gerard Depardieu of My Father The Hero fame. You can be sure that the discussion that follows, led by John Waters, will be glorious. [flavorpill]
• Ryan McGinness, master of Adult Finger Painting (in the "grown-up" rather than "Farrah Fawcett" sense), lectures tonight at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. [Paper]
• Nicolai Dunger pours his heart out to the crowds at the Mercury Lounge. The indie kids may not be as crendentialed as a shrink, but the adulation more than makes up for it. [Upcoming]

Last Night's Party Video Paralyzes Viewers

Jessica · 02/27/06 04:26PM

Sent to us by a reader on a mission to make us weep, it's the most disturbing, confusing footage we've seen in recent memory: Last Night's Party, the video. We don't know if the clip is designed to be a trailer for some forthcoming public access romp or something more sinister. Or maybe photographer Bronques is just showing his trailer for, like, his fucking life, dude. Yeah. Whatever the intention, seeing the tweaky hipsters and naked children of Blue States Lose in live action has us shocked. You mean these over-calculated cracknuts are actually real people?

To-Do: Here's The Thing, Thrift On!, or Unknown White Male

Jessica · 02/27/06 02:20PM

• Fresh from some Rolling Stone fellatio, Aziz Ansari headlines at Mo Pitkin's Here's The Thing. [flavorpill]
• Sloppy seconds: Exchange vintage clothes — along with the usual STDs — tonight at Thrift On at Botanica Bar. [Paper]
Unknown White Male documents the experience of Doug Bruce, a New York resident who woke up on the subway one morning with no recollection of who he was or where he'd been. You say "amnesia," we say "hangover." [TONY]

To-Do, This Weekend: Comic-Con, Red Shift, or P.S.1

Jessica · 02/24/06 02:18PM

• Manhattan's biggest nerds rejoice: the very first Comic-Con hits the Javits center starting today. And so a million girls flock west, hoping to find their own Seth Cohen. [NYCCC]
• Man Man catches the Amtrak in for a show at Northsix. It's no Boyz II Men, but Philly apparently has some other decent music to offer. [flavopill]
• If Sasha Cohen and the rest of the Olympians have you feeling a little disappointed and jingoed-out, channel your Commie side with a mini-film festival by Red Shift. Highlights include the section on the Chillfactor (Ode to the Spines of the Money-Lender). [Paper]
• Roxy Pain play their spazzy best tonight at Cake Shop. Go and dance like your having the best seizure of your life. [flavorpill]
• MoMA's P.S.1 opens their spring season, featuring a major exhibition by Wolfgang Tillmans, with festivities from noon to 6. All the fun of MoMA at a quarter of the price. [PS1]

Blue States Lose

Jessica · 02/24/06 01:00PM

It's Friday, and that can only mean 2 things: you've got a marvelous hangover, and we've got Blue States Lose, our weekly exercise in tough love. We sort through the galleries of the insane and inane hipsters at The Cobrasnake, Last Night s Party, Misshapes and Ambrel so you don t have to. After the jump, Joey Arak dishes his sartorial philosophy.

To-Do: Jonathans or MetLife

Jessica · 02/23/06 02:15PM

• Performer-about-town and Gawker To-Do staple Jonathan Ames gives a reading at the Barnes & Noble on 21st and 6th. Catch a glimpse of his testicle (or is it his liver?) tonight at 7. [Jonathan Ames]
• Jonathan No. 2, this time of the Safran Foer variety, gives a reading at the BAMcafe. To help you distinguish, fewer testicles and more cellists will be involved in this dinner affair. OK, there's only one cellist — but we still maintain the fewer testicles claim. [Upcoming]
• Metlife, opening tonight at the Morgan Lehman Gallery, has nothing to do with insurance. The show features 12 metropolitan artists working under "the loose theme of studio culture." Translation: easels, narcissism, and a whole lot of substance abuse. [flavorpill]

To-Do: Bloody Panda, Lit, or Overheard in NY

Jessica · 02/22/06 02:00PM

• "Brooklyn-based doom quintet" Bloody Panda perform at Tonic. Gothamist to stage protest shortly thereafter. [flavorpill]
• Lit celebrates four years as being the go-to destination for all things hip, disaffected, and herpetic. Tonight's party should be no exception — like Blue States Lose Live. If you don't know where Lit is, you probably don't want to go anyhow.
• The voyeuristic folks at Overheard in NY give a reading tonight at the Astor Place Barnes & Noble. We can only hope that their live version involves some sort of dramatic reenactment. [ONY]

Breaking! Underage Stars Party At Hollywood Clubs!

mark · 02/21/06 04:53PM

The web-enabled stalkerazzi at staked out Hollywood Boulevard, and after untold man-hours spent monitoring the comings and going of clubgoers, have finally blown the lid off one of the nightlife industry's dirtiest and best-kept secrets: Underage celebrities frequent establishments where alcohol is served. In addition to a (shocking!) photo of 18-year-old Jesse McCartney clutching a Corona (likely alcohol content: 4.5 percent), the site has (jaw-dropping!) video of some of your favorite teen stars brazenly patronizing bars:

To Do: Gayronic, Anthony Rapp, or Ritalin Readings

Jessica · 02/21/06 02:05PM

• Gayronic is the theme of tonight's Art Jam at Galapagos, featuring Mike Albo, the Lesbian Overtones, and a "lacerating wit" that can only be found outside the closet. Also, Straightronic doesn't really have the same ring. [flavorpill]
• Original Renter Anthony Rapp squeezes as much money as possible out of said theatrical stint with his new book, Without You: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and the Musical RENT. He gives a reading tonight at Barnes & Noble on 6th. [Paper]
• Ritalin Readings! Funny people! Short readings! Shiny things! [Upcoming]

To-Do: Pay Little or No Respect to Presidents

Jessica · 02/20/06 01:00PM

Bush's Brain, the 2004 documentary on the eponymous Karl Rove, screens at the Pioneer Room. It's a lot less cathartic now that the White House is soiling itself so regularly, but the opportunity for heckling is still there. [flavorpill]
• Samantha Hunt reads from The Seas, her novel about a 19-year-old girl who believes she's a mermaid and can bring inanimate objects to life. That's totally what we were doing at 19, too. [Paper]
• Wolfmother peforms tonight at the Mercury Lounge. Teenwolf opens. [Upcoming]

To-Do, This Weekend: Guerra de la Paz, Morning After Girls, or David Pajo

Jessica · 02/17/06 02:05PM

• Guerra de la Paz, the collaborative team of Cuban artists Alain Guerra and Neraldo de la Paz, makes its NYC debut tonight at Jack the Pelican. The exhibit features a number of startling images, including a headless Pieta that sent us searching for the nearest toilet. [Jack the Pelican Presents]
• Continuing with the startling image trend, the first scene of Battle in Heaven,, a film from Mexican director Carlos Reygadas, portrays a "wealthy family's daughter giving her much older chauffer fellatio." Startling for some, average for the UES. [flavorpill]
• For those of you yearning for junior high sleepovers, or for those of you who weren't popular enough in junior high to get invited and thus looking to recreate the magic, PILLOW FIGHT! Negligees optional. [NMS]
• Their show at Webster Hall may be sold out, but the Morning After Girls offer a late-night set at the R&R after-party. Hop on board before they start DJing at Misshapes. R&R, 416 W. 14th St, Midnight.
• The Knitting Factory hosts "sonic travelers" David Pajo and Tara Jane O'Neil. It may sound like a Star Trek reference, but they make music. Really. [flavorpill]

Blue States Lose

Jessica · 02/17/06 01:45PM

The only thing that could possibly improve on such a sunny Friday is Blue States Lose, our weekly game in which we sort through the galleries of blissfully retarded hipsters at The Cobrasnake, Last Night s Party, Misshapes and Ambrel so you don t have to. After the jump, Joey Arak shows you his MySpace profile.

To-Do: Autumn Defense, The Like, or Ikue Mori

Jessica · 02/16/06 02:00PM

•The Autumn Defense, a Wilco spin-off of sorts, performs tonight for free. It's like taking candy from a baby. Or a moderately mainstream and wealthy indie band. [flavorpill]
• East Coast/West Coast, the Hipster Edition: the LA-based, barely legal girls of The Like perform for their New York counterparts tonight at the Knitting Factory. [Upcoming]
• Legendary author Erica Jong takes the stage tonight at the 92Y, where she'll be interviewed by her daughter, Molly. Finger-pointing and tears of resentment TK! [Paper]

To-Do: Douglas Boatwright, Mortified NYC, or Film Comment Selects

Jessica · 02/15/06 01:55PM

• Douglas Boatwright's work examines "ideas of perception, experience, and learned social acumen," and is also "interested in the effects of media contagion and the seductive qualities of light and aesthetics." Please go check him out on our behalf and tell us what the fuck that all means. [flavorpill]
• The theme of Mortified NYC is "personal redemption through public humiliation," meaning the performers will bare their souls in the hopes of meager applause. Funny, sounds like just another date night to us. [Paper]
• The Film Comment Selects festival kicks off with screenings of Ce Jour-l , Everlasting Regret, Stranded in Canton and Battle in Heaven. It's at Lincoln Center, but you can almost smell the condescension from here. [FSLC]

Remainders: Spend Tonight Spreading Your VDs

Jessica · 02/14/06 06:00PM

• London papers cater to their demos. [BigShinyThing]
• If you're so lucky as to have a lover this Valentine's Day, remember: He spent last night cheating on you. [WSJ]
• Stoners fight for the right to, uh, be stoned: Free the Cartoon Network, dude. [SetCartoonFree]
• Big dick wants to shoot you in the face, give you a heart attack, and hit you up for some more contributions before you die. [Craigslist]
• Crisis: the Fashion Killers show has been cancelled! Could Laura Albert not find someone to play celebrity DJ and Fake Writer JT Leroy in time? Not exactly — we hear Knoop was at the show last night, though not in her Leroy costume. [Fashion Killers]
• Downtown softcore parties Rated X and Hot Fuckin' Pink might be a bit too pervy for the owners of Scenic. Poor Gawker paparazzo Nikola Tamindzic may have to shoot pornography elsewhere. [VV]


Jessica · 02/14/06 01:34PM

• Cupid-free fun: Thomas Erben features the art of Nicola Durvasula, Chitra Ganesh, and Tejal Shah, three women whose work shares the influence of Indian pop culture. Hallmark wishes it could be half as global. [flavorpill]
• On the other end of the lovey-dovey spectrum, Fat Baby hosts the Nouveau Valentine's Day Party, complete with free jello shots. Nothing says I love you like jiggling alcohol. [Nouveau]
• For those who are looking to let the holiday pass with a bit of dignity, Makor screens The Princess Bride. Did we say dignity? Sorry, didn't mean that. [Paper]

To-Do: Love, Saint Etienne, or Human Giant

Jessica · 02/13/06 02:00PM

• Margaret Atwood and Valerie Martin offer Hallmark their own interpretation of love tonight at the 92nd Street Y. Our understanding is that it will involve fewer candy hearts and more "gothic horror." Of course. [flavorpill]
• Saint Etienne performs at Irving Plaza, but you really just care about the after-party at Joe's Pub. [Paper]
• Aziz Ansari, Paul Scheer, Ron Huebel and Jason Woliner comprise the beast known as Human Giant. They're screening their shorts at Mo Pitkins tonight, along with other bits of comedic goodness. [WUNY]