
Gawker Gives Up Pageview Addiction, Quickly Picks Up a Monthly Uniques Habit

Gabriel Snyder · 01/05/10 04:23PM

Working out in the open is one of the joys of working at Gawker. So — if just to head off those annoying "you'll do anything for the pageviews" comments — I thought I'd pass along this morning's memo from overlord Nick Denton to all of Gawker Media. In a nutshell, Nick's changing all of that for 2010 to a new bonus system that's going to be based on each site's monthly U.S. uniques instead of pageviews.

2009: Gawker's Year in Pictures

Brian Moylan · 12/30/09 12:49PM

Pictures may only be worth a thousand words, but they can certainly sear an image onto your brain for all eternity. Here are the pictures that defined 2009 on Gawker.

Jon Gosselin's Latest Caper; The Charlie Sheen 911 Call

cityfile · 12/29/09 08:01AM

• You know that New York's crime rate is at an all-time low (or it's just a really slow news week) when NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly injects himself into any investigation involving Jon Gosselin that doesn't include the reality TV trainwreck's murder. Kelly says the NYPD has yet to determine whether someone really ransacked Jon Gosselin's Upper West Side apartment last weekend, or if it was just a big publicity stunt carried out by Gosselin and/or girlfriend Hailey Glassman. But the investigation continues, he says, so rest assured a few more of your tax dollars will be spent getting to the bottom of things. [NYDN]
• The call that Charlie Sheen's wife, Brooke Mueller, made to 911 on Christmas Day has been released. According to a one report, the couple's argument—in which Sheen allegedly pulled out a knife and said he'd kill her, thus landing him in the clink—was all over a Christmas present. [People, Us, E!]
• You knew Michael Lohan wasn't the world's best father or ex-husband. But he sounds like a pretty horrific fiancé, too. In newly filed court documents, Michael Lohan's ex, Erin Muller, says Lindsay Lohan's dad repeatedly abused her during their relationship, once beat her up for having a male friend on Facebook, and even kicked her "in the vagina" on one occasion. [TMZ]

Stabby Twitterati Dance on Graves

Ryan Tate · 12/16/09 07:09PM

MC Hammer pumped up a Silicon Valley rap battle; Nick Denton mocked a laid off New York Timesman; and a Fox Newser lashed out at the "hippies." The Twitterati love a fight.

Samuel L. Jackson Buys SoHo Spread

cityfile · 11/23/09 08:54AM

• Samuel L. Jackson is reportedly the mystery buyer behind the purchase of a 2,578-square-foot condo at 76 Crosby Street. The second-floor apartment, which was sold by Wall Street exec Eric Gross and just happens to be located next door to Gawker founder Nick Denton's pad, was most recently listed for $4.35 million. Jackson is reportedly picking it up for just under $4.1 million. [NYP, Sotheby's]
• Joseph Betesh, president of the Dr. Jay's chain of clothing stores, has put his 28th-floor condo at 15 Central Park West on the market. The 2,367-square-foot apartment, which Betesh bought for $5.6 million in April 2008, is listed for $12.9 million. [Cityfile, JCRE]

Who Is Gawker Media Overlord Nick Denton's New Neighbor?

Foster Kamer · 11/22/09 12:30PM

I must've inadvertently done a rain dance to the gossip gods yesterday, because here at Gawker Weekend HQ, Christmas is here. Not often do I get too many O RLY?! moments like this. Everyone, meet my boss Nick's new neighbor:

Nic Cage Sells; Former Billionaire Cuts

cityfile · 11/19/09 09:19AM

• Another one of the 15 homes around the world that Nic Cage picked up in recent years has been turned over to a new owner. Cage has closed on the sale of his 48th-floor condo at the Olympic Tower, albeit for quite a bit less than he'd been hoping to get. The 3,550-square-foot apartment, which had been listed for $9.75 million when it went into contract last month, reportedly ended up selling for $7.5 million. [NYP]
• Fortress Investment Group co-founder—and former billionaire—Randal Nardone has dropped the price of his condo at 240 Riverside Boulevard for the second time since he put it on the market for $11.75 million in February. Nardone, who plunked down $22 million for a pad at 101 Warren Street last year, is now asking for $9.2 million for the place. [Cityfile, Corcoran]