Last week we told you about Gawker Media's Summer of Love marriage equality fundraiser. While compiling our star-studded guest list of New York's best, brightest, and Real Housewifey-est, we realized there was someone very important missing: you!

While we've received many individual donations benefiting the Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation and their crusading efforts in Albany, and please do keep those coming, we've decided to sweeten the pot a bit and sell a limited number of tickets to the party.

The event is on Wednesday, June 22 (6:30-9:30), here on Gawker HQ's fabulous roof deck, and is hosted by Gawker Media founder Nick Denton, MSNBC dreamboat Thomas Roberts, and Out magazine editor-in-chief Aaron Hicklin. Once on the roof, you'll enjoy an open bar (naturally), delicious snacks, some fun entertainment, and the company of some of the fanciest New Yorkers we've somehow managed to not piss off over the years (or who are willing to forgive us for a good cause).

Tickets are $200 apiece, but here's the kicker: Gawker will match any donation that you make to buy a ticket. That means by buying a $200 ticket, you're really giving $400 to help all the gay men and lesbians across this great state legally tie the knot! To buy a ticket, make a donation here and then email us with your name and the amount you donated and we'll send you all the details and your official invite. (Please be sure to make the donation in your own name so we can cross-reference and all that.) If you have any questions, email the party people at

We're so close to achieving marriage equality in New York and to help us get there the cause needs all the support it can find. The time to act is now, folks! And as your reward for doing so, you'll get drinks and gossip on the Gawker roof. It's a pretty good deal, if you ask us.

·Make a Donation for the Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation