To help New York pass a bill allowing same-sex marriage, we here at Gawker are throwing a fundraiser/party. It's going to be a big, exciting bash, and now the stakes are higher than ever!

If you've been closely following the progression of the Same-Sex Marriage Bill in the New York Assembly, you know that it's already passed the State Assembly but still needs more votes to pass in the Senate. To help the bill go through, we're currently taking donations to benefit the Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation, which has been a tireless and invaluable agent of change in the struggle for marriage equality. The big vote may happen before our party at Gawker HQ on June 22, but the money to fund the fight to get those last few votes to turn our way is needed right now. Let's get this bill passed with your cash now, so our party will be a celebration!

So, what can you do? Come to the party, of course. It's hosted by Gawker Media founder Nick Denton, MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts, and Out magazine Editor-in-Chief Aaron Hicklin. New York's best and brightest will be there with an open bar, free food, some great entertainment, and hopefully a Real Housewives smackdown or two. To buy a ticket, make a donation of $200 or more here and then email us with your name and the amount you donated and we'll send you your official invite. (Please be sure to make the donation in your own name so we can cross-reference and all that.) If you have any questions, email the party people at

Need more incentive to donate? Well, here is the big dramatic news! Gawker editor-in-chief Remy Stern has pledged $500 to the cause... if I shave my mustache. Now personally I think facial hair as lovely and storied as mine can make even more money than that—and hey, it's so lovely and so storied that maybe somebody might pay to save it. So now with a donation of $200 or more you'll not only get a ticket to the fabulous party, you'll also be granted the immense privilege of voting on whether I will shave or save my mustache! This is a big deal. If you can't make it to the party, donate some cash and we'll let you email in your vote. We'll announce which side won the Great Mustache Debate on the site with pictures (and possibly video) after the party.

All right, everyone. You now know what you have to do to help make marriage equality a reality in New York, so buy tickets, make pledges, and vote for the life or death of my mustache. The future of my face, and, y'know, that of important civil rights issues, is on the line!