The battle for legal same-sex marriage is currently being waged in Albany, and though we are this close to victory, we're not there yet. The cause still needs your help!

Though the legislative session is technically over, Governor Andrew Cuomo has kept the assembly in session so that it can vote on the same-sex marriage bill and other important measures. That means groups like the Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation can still use our cash to keep up the good fight.

To that end, we're throwing a Summer of Love party tomorrow, June 22, from 6:30 to 9:30 here on the roof deck at Gawker HQ (don't worry, we have a tent in case of rain). The event is hosted by Gawker Media founder Nick Denton, MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts, and Out magazine editor-in-chief Aaron Hicklin. Some of New York's best and brightest supporters of the cause will be there, enjoying an open bar, delicious snacks, some great entertainment, and hopefully at least one person getting a pie in their face. If you'd like to join the revelry, you can buy a ticket by going here and making a donation of $200 or more. Then email us with your name and the amount you donated and we'll send you your official invite. (Please be sure to make the donation in your own name so we can cross-reference and all that.) If you have any questions, email the party people at

Gawker is matching all donations for tickets, so your $200 really raises $400. A ticket also gets you a vote on whether or not I keep my mustache, and who could pass that up?

For everyone who can't leave work and get on a bus to protest in Albany, this is a fun and easy way to help support the marriage equality effort, with a drink in hand. Money is needed now more than ever. And hey, if the vote happens before the party, hopefully we'll have something to celebrate. If not, we'll have already begun raising funds for the next fight.

Gawker's Summer of Love Fundraiser - Purchase Tickets