Andrea Peyser's Lindsay Column: A Critical Perspective
Emily Gould · 12/08/06 09:00AM
"All satire is blind to the forces liberated by decay. Which is why total decay has absorbed the forces of satire." — Theodor Adorno
Dear Andrea,
We understand why you found it irresistibly tempting to lampoon poor Lindsay Lohan's rambling, cokey missive in your column today. But in doing so, you learned something that we've known for a while: some things are so over the top, so inherently comedic, that they defy the satirist to make anything more of them than they already are. Don't get us wrong: we're not saying that we never make the mistake you made. We make it all the time! But when we do, we employ a couple of tactics that keep our posts from coming off as (quite) as hamhanded and dashed-off as your column. Here's an example of where you went wrong:
Further Adventures in Contextual Advertising
abalk2 · 12/06/06 05:25PMAndrea Peyser Forgets How This Whole Column-Writing Thing Actually Works
Doree Shafrir · 12/06/06 02:40PM
As the hours tick by, more evidence of Andrea Peyser's not-so-hidden drinking problem is piling up. If you read yesterday's column about Barack Obama, you may have read that the senator from Illinois "is a rock star with a megawatt smile who admits he inhaled." Or, you may have learned that "Barack Obama, the presidential contender with the 'Say What?' name and megawatt smile, came out last night to electrify New York. He stuck his finger in the socket instead." Hmm. How confusing! Does she love Barack Obama, or does she hate him?
'Post' One Sean Delonas Cartoon Shy Of Bigotry Trifecta
abalk2 · 12/06/06 11:50AMRussell Simmons Drives Andrea Peyser To Drink
Emily Gould · 12/06/06 10:50AM
Nutty Post scourge Andrea Peyser's column today about Russell Simmons' icky endorsement of the diamond mining industry, which he calls "99 3/4%" clean, seems unusually . . . inspired. Seriously, you have to respect a writer who can continually froth with outrage and also come up with turns of phrase like this one:
Blind Item Guessing Game: Britney Britney Britney
Emily Gould · 12/05/06 09:20AM
You know that song "I'm Every Woman?" We were mulling this over in the shower, and we were thinking that Britney Spears is, in her retarded way, Every Celebrity. During the course of her career, she's actually tried to nail every single dumb famous-person archetype of the 21st century: the virgin-whore ingenue, the Reesey young wife and mom, and now the LA club-scene vagina-flashing coke slut. So when we're presented with a handful of blind (or, since they're Post-y, mildly astigmatic) items, it's less a matter of figuring out which one is Britney and more a matter of trying to think of a reason that they wouldn't all be about Britney. To wit:
The Kool Aid of Kimora Lee Simmons' Cult of Fabulosity
Emily Gould · 12/05/06 08:40AM'Post' to Go West
abalk2 · 12/01/06 05:00PMHoliday Gifts for The Meth Fiend on Your List
Emily Gould · 12/01/06 10:00AM
Yesterday was Meth Appreciation — sorry, 'Awareness' — Day, and the Post and Daily News are celebrating today with stories about Citigroup exec Michael Knibb, who transformed his $6,000/month penthouse into a "sophisticated" meth lab. That's a picture of the classy setup on the right. It got us to thinking — what crank-addled friend of Tina couldn't use a few new decanters and vases that double as meth-brewin' vessels this holiday season? Well, since we're not afraid to be servicey, we thought we'd suggest a few.
'Post' Photo, Ethics Depts Continue to Work Undertime
Emily Gould · 12/01/06 08:20AM
Read the caption and then look at the size of the phone that businessman was talking on "yesterday." Um, what? Is that a special magical phone that can call 1997? Our suspicions (and, okay, the suspicions of a tipster) led us to take a quick spin through Getty Images, which is what we use when Google Images can't help us find a photo of, say, "shit on a wall," and, well, lookee here.
Peyser on Shelly Protest: Alien War 2, "The Backlash Begins"
Emily Gould · 11/30/06 10:20AMBienvenidos a Nueva York
abalk2 · 11/29/06 02:10PMFabiola Beracasa Quotes an Expert: Herself
Emily Gould · 11/29/06 11:50AM
Socialtwat Fabiola Beracasa, who goes out all the time to raise the profile of — sorry, what 'job' does she pretend to do again? — is quoted in today's NYO investigation of who's behind Socialite Rank (ever, ever so much more on that later) about what, in her informed opinion, keeps the eyes of the world so riveted to the antics of rich idiots like herself:
'Post:' Misbegotten Blockbuster Responsible for Indie Actress's Death?
Emily Gould · 11/29/06 10:10AM
Maybe we're missing something here. Adrienne Shelly was in, like, Hal Hartley movies, not . . . oh. Oh, the article is about a protest by activists who maintain that "[Shelly's] death could have been avoided if the United States stringently enforced its immigration laws to stop human smuggling and the hiring of illegal workers." We don't know what's more awful, those assholes or the headline that conjures up images of Saana Lathan trapped in a space-creature's dripping jaws. Or us for pointing it out. A three-way tie, we suppose.
Alien 'Predators' [NYPost]
'Post' Headline Crystal Ball: Pam and Kid Divorce
Emily Gould · 11/27/06 03:40PM'NYP' Finds Your Celebratory Advertising Tacky and Ill-Mannered
abalk2 · 11/22/06 01:20PM'Eater' Scandalized By 'Post' Ethical Lapse
Emily Gould · 11/22/06 10:20AM
Food blog Eater is all riled up today over an article in the Post about Cafe Gray's $833 Macy's Parade watching prix fixe menu. "Instead of gray the line [sic unless it's a pun we're not getting] between advertisement and editorial, the Post has gone ahead and eliminated it" by publishing an article where every luxe foodstuff on the menu is described in detail, along with a sidebar featuring the menu itself, Eater claims. Frankly, we're shocked, shocked that an august publication like the Post would sully its sterling . . . oh, whatever.
Media Bubble: No J
abalk2 · 11/21/06 09:50AMAndrea Peyser Demands OJ Closure
Emily Gould · 11/21/06 09:30AM
Bless her little heart, that thoughtful Andrea Peyser is standing up for our right to finally find out who killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. "Almost alone," with only the backing of a major media conglomerate behind her, Andrea had defended "media punching bag" Judith Regan from the slings and arrows of her unjust attackers, who were obvs driven by "petty jealousy." But alas, her efforts have come to naught! The show and book have been shelved, and now we won't ever have any idea who committed those murders.
Wait a minute. What's that you say? You feel reasonably sure that you already know the killer's identity? Ha, ohhhkay, Mr. Jumpin' to Conclusions! Andrea Peyser would prefer to withhold her judgment until she's had a chance to view a lucrative sweeps-week televised interview with the accused, and she's not the only one: