Blind Item Guessing Game: Britney Britney Britney

You know that song "I'm Every Woman?" We were mulling this over in the shower, and we were thinking that Britney Spears is, in her retarded way, Every Celebrity. During the course of her career, she's actually tried to nail every single dumb famous-person archetype of the 21st century: the virgin-whore ingenue, the Reesey young wife and mom, and now the LA club-scene vagina-flashing coke slut. So when we're presented with a handful of blind (or, since they're Post-y, mildly astigmatic) items, it's less a matter of figuring out which one is Britney and more a matter of trying to think of a reason that they wouldn't all be about Britney. To wit:
WHICH recently separated celeb has a new habit to go along with her new friends? The cutie is spending way too much time in the bathroom of the many clubs she visits, hoovering down cocaine that her pals supply her with . . . WHICH hard-partying Hollywood starlet has club cocktail waitresses fueling rumors of rehab by whispering that the actress cuts her coke with strawberry Quik? . . . WHICH new pair of best friends are actually more? When they get back to their hotels or homes, the clothes come off.