'Post' One Sean Delonas Cartoon Shy Of Bigotry Trifecta

Here's this morning's Liz Smith review of Dreamgirls:
If you are too young and you didn't live through [the rise of Diana Ross and the Supremes] - well, you are going to be blown away anyway. You will have the choice surprise of learning that black singing, dancing and musically cultural ethnic American talent doesn't just have to do with the current craze of break dancing, tattoos, hip-hop, rap and loading yourself down with bling before you go to jail to be great!
Um, wow, casual racism and cheap stereotyping much? Well, at least that's probably the worst thing we'll see today. Let's turn to the wisdom of the Post's editorial page:
For an observant Jew, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver sure likes his pork.
Political pork, that is.
Jesus Christ, what the hell's going on over there? We're amazed that Paula Froelich gets any work done, what with the burning crosses near her desk.