"Put a professional football player, three actors, a reality star and a pop star in a room together, and what do you get?" asks the Post. Answer: something so intensely sad and degrading that it makes us want to move to an isolated cabin far away from this deranged city of has-beens right now. Apparently someone named Jay Galvin, who is paid by clubs to drag in D-listers and is "famous for his vodka and cranberries," has assembled a wannabe 'Entourage'-style posse that is so pathetic that its Vince is purported popstar Ryan Cabrera! Everyone else, including American Idol castoff turned soap star Constantine Maroulis, football player Michael Strahan, Stiffler from American Pie, and the Vote for Pedro guy from Napoleon Dynamite, is sort of Turtle. Once they partied so hard that Ryan threw up inside of his mouth!