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We just received the following urgent missive:

11:45 a.m., outside Maxie's Restaurant & Bar on 7th Avenue and 48th Street. Steve Dunleavy was having a smoke outside (after how many drinks inside?). A huge, unpleasant head atop a tiny, emaciated body. His appearance perfectly matched his persona. All alone.

On a serious note, we see the effects that alcohol has on a person's body firsthand every day right here in the office, and it isn't pretty. Also, that reminds us of a story that we once heard about a Post employee. Upon signing new paperwork with human resources, this reporter noticed a clause that made the reporter promise not to drink on the job. "What about Steve Dunleavy?" this reporter asked. HR demurred that Dunleavy had started working at the Post before the new employment contracts had come into effect. Grandfathered in—as it were! So to speak! —Doree