'News' Wants To Have A Million Of Your Babies

If you're the kind of person who likes to read an actual paper - and have not yet left the house - we've got some good news for you: Both of the tabs are going for a quarter today, which spares you the agonizing decision of which paper to choose for your interminable commute. We're not sure how long the price war can last, but the Post is clearly on the defensive against the News, which, in a very sweet note, admits that it loves you.
We have given our family of readers the greatest treat of all: the Daily News at half price. It is a chance for us to tell you how much we appreciate having all of you as readers of New York's most popular, influential and groundbreaking newspaper. It is an offer to allow you to enjoy the greatest tabloid journalism in the city from some of New York's top writers for 25 cents Monday through this Friday at your favorite newsstand.
Way to woo, News! We don't know how the Post can top that, but we'd suggest a letter from editor Col Allan promising to "lick you up and down all night long" in tomorrow's paper.